Obesity significantly increases risk of serious disease, researchers warn

High-fructose corn syrup is easily converted to fat when consumed in excess (7 Trusted Source).

This is because the fructose is metabolized in the liver. The liver can turn the fructose into glycogen (stored carbs), but it has limited storage capacity.

While smaller amounts of fructose from fruit can be fine, large doses from soda or sweets can overload the liver and be converted to fat.

In the long term, this fat accumulation can lead to serious health problems, such as fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes (8 Trusted Source, 9 Trusted Source).

In one 3-week study, researchers found that the overconsumption of sugar and fructose led to a drastic 27% increase in liver fat (10 Trusted Source).

Other research has also found that fructose can increase fat gain to a greater extent than other calorie-matched meals (11 Trusted Source).

Remember, the detrimental effects of HFCS and fructose should not be confused with the fructose in fruit, which is healthy and safe in sensible amounts.

In small amounts it can b converted however we do not consume small amounts.

Excessive Intake Is a Key Cause of Diabetes

Excessive fructose or HFCS consumption can also lead to insulin resistance, a condition that can result in type 2 diabetes (11 Trusted Source, 19 Trusted Source).

In healthy individuals, insulin increases in response to the consumption of carbs, transporting them out of the bloodstream and into the cells.

However, the regular consumption of excess fructose can make your body resistant to insulinā€™s effects (19 Trusted Source).

Eventually, this decreases the ā€œflexibilityā€ of your cells to metabolize carbs. Over the long term, both insulin levels and blood sugar go up.

In addition to diabetes, HFCS may also play a role in metabolic syndrome, which has been linked to many diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers (20 Trusted Source).

I thought they were all gassed not starved to death.
And that picture is from a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  run Gulag in USSR

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Yep. Got all that. But ā€œcannot be converted to energyā€ offended my high school advanced biology memories.

Try getting stuck between two 400 pounders on an airplane or bus [quote=ā€œZantax, post:173, topic:2352, full:trueā€]
Except other peopleā€™s weight is none of your business, unless and until they come around asking you to pay for their heath care. Which is a very good reason to oppose single payer. I donā€™t know about you but I donā€™t want the government involved in whether or not I can eat a cookie.


Thanks to the ADA and court rulings I was once forced to hire a guy pushing 450lbs that could barely walk 50ā€™, could not bend over and pick somethign up off of the ground, could not safely walk on scaffolding or climb a ladder and couldnā€™t carry a load of 50lbs 25ā€™ and set it on anything below his knees.

This was due to getting a contract to remodel a govā€™t building.

In reality a personā€™s weight and physical condition can have much broader effects on the rest of us.

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:rofl: thanks for the additional info

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Whenever he prefaces a comment with ā€œI thinkā€, ā€œI heardā€ or ā€œI was toldā€ you know what follows is a complete fabrication.

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Iā€™d have something to say about weight except the image of butt floss resets my brainā€¦ every damn time!

I meanā€¦ whaā€¦ whyā€¦WTF?

Can we come to an agreement that floss is for teeth and not for the crack of oneā€™s butt? In the name of midnight Walmart shoppersā€¦ Please?

Erpā€¦ that is more than 22 lbs. :grimacing:

Iā€™m glad she feels better about herself because that is what we all strive to do, is it not?

I agree floss is for teeth, not for oneā€™s butt. :laughing:

I never could understand ā€œthongā€ underwear, either. :woozy_face:

Iā€™m sorry but no matter how good one looks thereā€™s no shortage in the world of material and no reason to put that much of yourself on public display.

Iā€™d bet thatā€™s a lot closer to 22 kilos than 22lbs. She should have stopped somewhere in between.

I canā€™t imagine anyone is actually comfortable with a string drawn tight in their crack.

ā€œTALK YOU VERMINā€¦ or vee vill bding out der THONG!ā€


Funny but you might want to edit. ā€œBringā€.

Ahhhā€¦ TWRā€¦it was intentional dialect. Say it fast.

I would have also said TONG. and then Gene Wilder would have said ā€œTongue?ā€ And then the villain would have stomped " YOU TINK I JOKE? TONG TONG TONG YOU IDIOT."

Ok, it just wasnā€™t working for me I guess.

Regular cane sugar (sucrose) is made of two-sugar molecules bound tightly togetherā€“ glucose and fructose in equal amounts.The enzymes in your digestive tract must break down the sucrose into glucose and fructose, which are then absorbed into the body.

HFCS also consists of glucose and fructose, not in a 50-50 ratio, but a 55-45 fructose to glucose ratio in an unbound form. Since there is there is no chemical bond between them, no digestion is required so they are more rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream.

Fructose goes right to the liver and triggers lipogenesis (the production of fats like triglycerides and cholesterol). The rapidly absorbed glucose triggers spikes in insulinā€“our bodyā€™s major fat storage hormone.

The body during digestion breaks down natural sugar into simple sugars which then enters the bloodstream and is carried to cells in the body and stored for energy.

Personally, when I did have a television, I hated to be bombarded with stupid those diet commercials at all hours of the day. So, thankfully, I donā€™t have to deal with the ā€œscamsā€. I call them scams because, they are out for money and I doubt they even care about what they are ā€œsellingā€. The idea that America has a Obesity epidemic. As long as they can ā€œconvinceā€ some poor woman/man (no matter what race or age), they know they have done their so-called ā€œdirty deedā€.

I am not overweight by any means. But I know a lot of people who have tried many of the so-called ā€œget quick dietā€ scams. Only to find out, it was only to ā€œget quick richā€ for the sellers.

What may work for someone doesnā€™t necessarily mean it will work for the other, or even all. But yet, they will go all out and try to ā€œearn your trustā€. In return, you get scammed and they already have your money.

In some cases, you donā€™t always get your money back. And your trust is already been screwed over.

That isnā€™t really accurate.


Itā€™s the combination of two sugars but they only have one single bond that is easy to break which is why it is so easily converted into energy.

Thatā€™s why we get such a pronounced and quick sugar rush from it as opposed to glucose and fructose.

Thereā€™s a whole lot of truth to this. Genetics plays a big role in how we process and store different types of proteins, carbs and fats.

Isolated populations developed and evolved differently based on the food sources locally available and conditions where they lived.

The more we intermingle the genetics of different races and ethnic groups the more universal things become but there are still major differences between non mixed distinctive groups.

This I totally agree!

But I also believe it is a racial issue, too!

