Obesity significantly increases risk of serious disease, researchers warn

You may want to go back and edit that post, you are right on but you butchered the quote so bad it’s very difficult to read.

Race is genetic. :grinning:

Race/ethnicity and obesity rates.

There’s also serious cultural linkage. If you look at the groups with the highest unemployment rates, and highest rates of people on various forms of welfare you see the highest rates of obesity.

The highest in the US are among American Indians and Native Alaskan people. Genetics plays a role for sure and so does culture among those groups in particular. The highest obesity, alcoholism, drug abuse, and associated diseases are found in American Indian Populations on reservations.

A hundred years of the hopelessness of reservation life and genetics have been particularly cruel to American Indians.

Poverty also plays a big factor. Eating healthy is a lot more expensive than beans and rice.

Haha…I should have known that. Thank you for clarifying.

Obviously you did and just got off track hence the smiley.

Umm no, that just isn’t true. Buying prepared healthy food is more expensive. But if you can get up off your ass and cook it isn’t. In season fruits and vegetables are cheap. Oh and beans and brown rice are perfectly healthy.

Beans, particularly pintos are very high in calories, so is brown rice and even in season fresh produce is expensive compared to less healthy alternatives.

That’s why obesity rates are so high among the populations on welfare/food stamps.

Again, no, unprepared healthy food is not expensive. The reason poor people are obese is because they buy cheap processed food, unprocessed raw healthy food is cheaper but requires time and effort to prepare. Throw out any unhealthy meal and it’s cost you like and I can counter it with a healthy alternative at or below that price point.

And having calories doesn’t make something unhealthy, we require calories to live.

I tend to agree. When I cook, I cook very healthy meals. Oftentimes, I’ve thought about how many servings it makes and what the cost per serving, sometimes it is than $2.00 per serving. Buying a whole chicken is less expensive than buying piecemeal. You just have to take the time to strip all of the meat off.

What isn’t eaten can be stored in the freezer. Ziplock bags are a cheap way to store leftovers and can be sized in a serving quantity.

Keep making different meals, freeze and store, and there is a pretty good rotation and selection.

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Not only do unhealthy foods support obesity, so do the portions of even the healthy foods.


  • Drink a full glass of water before each meal
  • Eat slowly
  • Cut portions (your entire meal should have a volume about the size of your clinched fist)

If you must eat between meals, enjoy healthy, filling snacks.


Nothing better than kale chips… But, I add season salt, oregano, parsley and of course, top it with parmesan cheese.

Love frozen grapes, too! They’re also great in water or iced tea to keep it cold and add some extra flavor.

I eat frozen blueberries right out of the bag…just pour a bowl and grab a spoon…add nothing.

I do the same with frozen dark cherries, but don’t bother with the spoon.

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I make homemade smoothies - frozen strawberries and throw in some chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Mmmmm…

I’ve got to get back into the smoothies. I did them religiously for over a year…lost 65 pounds or so. I used mostly frozen blueberries and kale. I’d make a 48oz pitcher full several times a day. I’d eat a small breakfast, then have smoothies all day long…along with some protein bars.

Strawberries and blackberries make good smoothies, but the blueberries have more antioxidant power.

I used to buy frozen blueberries by the 3 pound bag…5 or so at a time.

Never had a kale smoothie. I do love strawberries, mango and cantaloupe smoothies.
I usually make enough for breakfast and lunch when I am at work. Then when I get home I have a full meal and I don’t ever feel guilty about what I am eating.

It stands to reason that before all of these processed foods were available we never had near as many people suffering from diabetes. People were in better physical condition as well.

You add up all of the processed foods, and the lack of physical fitness we end up with a society of overweight people.

Just say, super size it. That’s the ticket to having a fat ass.

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I have heard that being skinny with poor muscle mass is very popular in the homosexual community for bottoms like yourself but crash dieting is very bad for you and when you stop crash dieting and start trying to live a normal life whilst maintaining your weight loss your body will try going back to you pre diet weight really you should just start walking a couple of miles a day and do some basic exercises like push ups sit ups body squats and planks/side planks and find something else like maybe dancing it will give you practice for the weekend when you are out at gay clubs and also help with the weight loss and their is no need for crazy diets give yourself set eating time like 7.00am to 7.00pm with pre planned meals to stop yourself cheating which is synonymous with the homosexual community also make sure you eat within the first 45 minutes of getting up it will give your metabolism a boost by exercising in the same 45 minute window of getting up remember men that can do 40 push ups in 1 minute dramatically decrease the risks of having a heart attack

I wish you success in achieving and maintaining a healthy life style