Obesity significantly increases risk of serious disease, researchers warn

We had a guy at air force OTS like that. He was muscular… not fat. But he almost got booted for being too fat. Stupid rules.

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Skating develops large muscles in the legs as well as shoulders.

The doc said I was borderline obese and started laughing.

No question about the first. According to CDC though as of 2015 9.5% were far enough along in progression to need medicating.

Because of my body density I had to get calipered and weighed every year to get a waiver. The old military weight charts were ridiculous as averaged only 5-7% body fat.

In 2011 the CDC reported 13% taking pills or insulin.


Spending on diabetes and pre-diabetes is currently $322 billion per year, up from $245 billion in 2012 and now accounts for one-fifth of overall healthcare spending in the U.S.1 From 2015 to 2016, U.S. spending on diabetes related medications increased from $43.9 billion to $51.5 billion.

Seems to vary quite a bit year to year then as my reference came directly from their site as well.

Bebe Rexha got child bearing hips…er… I mean… so they say.

While I don’t look at other women besides my SO, I have read the words and suspect that if I DID look at other women, I would look at her… hypothetically.


May vary but it is a serious upward trend.

Obesity is killing far more Americans than malnutrition for sure and is a leading cause of adult onset diabetes .

Our bodies simply are not adapted for the amount of processed sugars we consume.

Throw in:

  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Some cancers
  • Gallbladder
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Gout
  • Breathing problems

All prominent in our over weight and obese population. Then they scream, out healthcare costs too much. Medicare for all. And we all pay the price in healthcare costs for their over indulgence.

Absolutely. Throw in depression as well.

I always get a little worried and feel a touch sad for any individual giving out excuses for themselves or others being overweight.
There is no justifiable reason. There are millions of excuses but not one single justifiable reason.

Biology is simple: Constantly eat more than the body needs you will become fat. Eat the quantity of fuel the body needs your weight will stay balanced.

No human has ever been born nor ever will ,who can gain weight if they are starved of fuel.

The 1940’s concentration camps along with other mass starvation communities have proven this.


And of course the researchers are obviously correct, the risk of disease will increase if you are obese.

On a happy note not one single human needs to be overweight :slightly_smiling_face:

Except other people’s weight is none of your business, unless and until they come around asking you to pay for their heath care. Which is a very good reason to oppose single payer. I don’t know about you but I don’t want the government involved in whether or not I can eat a cookie.

My thoughts exactly. If we turn the clock back to before the time High Fructose Corn Syrup was being used we never had all of these issues with diabetes. Sure we had some but not at the numbers we see today.

Not sure you can blame it on high fructose corn syrup. I grew up on a steady diet of kool-aide packed with sugar, captain crunch, mashed potatoes and gravy ad fried chicken and pork chops and didn’t break over 135 at six feet until after high school. The main difference between me and kids today wasn’t calories, I was never in the house when it was light outside. Hanging around inside was a sure way for the parents to “find you something to do” that was a lot less pleasant than roaming the woods or riding my bike.


…or buy a 32 oz soft drink.

As healthcare is a shard expense, Taxes for medicaid, medicare via taxes, premiums as the population is measured not a person. We all are paying for the over weight/obese population as we pay for illegals healthcare as well as the uninsured healthcare.

High Fructose Corn Syrup tricks the body into thinking it received sugar. Have you ever had a craving for something sweet? Most of us will grab a candy bar and that will appease our craving but only for a short time. The candy bars today contains High Fructose Corn Syrup, not natural sugar. A lot of folks will need two candy bars instead of one.

The body converts natural sugar into energy and what’s left over is expelled or converts to fat. Whereas High Fructose Corn Syrup the body cannot convert it to energy. What the body can’t expel is then converted to fat.

Just about everything we eat today contains High Fructose Corn Syrup, it’s in our breads, processed foods, drinks etc. Combine that with people today not being as energetic as they once were and we end up with a society of overweight people.

Most all schools today have eliminated recess, some schools don’t even have physical education classes. A lot of kids will go home from school and plop their butts down in front of the TV or video game.

I too as a kid played outside, that’s what we did as kids. We never had video games, internet and our TV was lucky to bring in 4 channels. And we never had processed foods or High Fructose Corn Syrup in our diets.

From grades 1 to 6 we had recess and physical education classes. From grades 7 to 12 we had phys ed every morning for one hour. We started out with calisthenics then 3 days a week we ran the cross country. The other two days was open for what we chose to do.


Ever watch " MY 600 Pound Life’? Ya call that beauty? Then they will lie to the surgeon who does the weight reduction procedure. I don’t know how this happened. I don’t eat much.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Richard Jeni on dieting

Ricky West

YouTube - Mar 15,-------

Can you cite your source for this?