🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Misfud was supposedly an FBI asset.

The question seems to be whether or not he was playing both sides.

Yeah “they” need to find him first! I wouldn’t want to be him right now that is for sure!

Look at all the traitors to America! Every Single One of Them!

We left out a few of course, but give it time, they will surface!


Holy crap! Maria Bartiromo is bringing the heavy weights!


Wow! Just wow!




Airplane crash over Croatia?

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You talking about this event? Because I have no idea what you are talking about.

No no. I was referring to Ron Brown, Bill Clinton’s sec of commerce… just as he was being investigated for things that would have led to discovery of Clinton crimes, a plane crash in Croatia supposedly took his life.

Some say Clintons had him killed. I say they just faked his death and he is living well …some place.

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Unfortunately … either of those scenarios is likely

Oh I forgot about that guy! Yeah now it makes sense. I don’t agree with the latter part of your statement. Clintons don’t leave trails to come back later. Vince Foster and Seth Rich can attest from the grave to that!

There were quite a few “curious deaths” of key people around the Clintons over the years that frequently seemed to coincide with investigations into the family.

Of course, they are both crooked as hell so they were pretty much always under investigation which explains how those deaths could easily be attributed by their critics as “probably related”.

Unfortunately none of them could ever be directly linked to either Hillary or Bill but they sure kept the conspiracy theories popping regularly.

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I somewhat doubt there will ever be any attempts to prosecute them but we’re about to see some of them writing big checks to avoid discovery and exposure should the cases go before a jury.

I am not sure about that. The media are low hanging fruit and going after them will certainly be part of the plan of cleaning up the swamp as they no doubt are part of the corruption.

IT’s already underway. I believe the first suit was already filed against the NYT’s.

That kid is going to be a multi millionaire before he even enters college in all likelihood and almost certainly before he graduates.

They have stated that several of the networks are up next followed by a list of celebrities and specific talking heads from several of the networks as well as influential celeb’s who mauled him on social media.

This is going to be a huge precedent setting case before it’s all over and will change internet law forever.

Two separate issues!

All arising from the same case.

What are you talking about? What case? Sandmann?

Yes, that’s the case the British gal was discussing in the videos above.