🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Can you please address image trollish childish behavior and attempt at derailment of this thread?

Stop feeding it, you’re just giving it what it wants and needs to feed his childish insecurities and need for attention.


Interesting … if you replace ‘Obama’ with ‘Clinton’ the whole series of posts is entirely believable.

I await the ultimate reveal on Obama’s behaviour. None of us really nows what is under the carpet.

Some of us do actually, but being it’s a fight to the death and it’s a Global construct with an agenda to carry out a specific objective, the white hats are carefully strategising the right moment to execute and the game is not to be telegraphed. China is connected to the motives of all the evil players. Connect China’s ambitions, their economic aggression where exploiting greed, and gaining a stronghold in the Lobbyist pool of governing institutions then it all makes perfect sense when viewing the current political discourse in the aggregate! Obama is a paper tiger that is going to be left all alone on an island with no friends when the final power broker is eliminated! The Clintons are getting too old and will die soon on the alter of the Progressive implosion that ends up on the wrong side of history! It’s desperate times for many on the left, which is why they are trying desperately to find anything, something that will prolong their eventual demise! It’s coming soon! Very soon!

Interesting twist in all of this chaos!

If we all ignore the little bastard and never respond to any of his shit, he will go away!

Good point! They bring the worse out of me! Apologies!

Trump taking aim at Obozo! Very interesting, though I doubt Obozo is sweating it!

This article repeats some known facts. Joe Biden has already confessed to the truth of the headline. However, it is current, it redefines who was actually behind the global community efforts to fire

Maybe after realising what was to surface in this entire impeachment fiasco is why Nutty Nancy decided to not pursue a vote? Not to mention the legality requirements that she no doubt contemplated and concluded it was a no win situation! This paints the Democrats into a tighter corner implicating their messiah even further! The Democrats did this to themselves and are losing big time!

She knows that forcing the first term and red state democrats to go on the record will cost her control of the house in 2020.

The no vote almost certain in the house would reveal a number of democrats that are vulnerable in the next election.
The left has a different strategy hold secret meeting that the public has no access feed the press negative stories, polls to show the rising impeach trump sediment.

We are getting there. As the poll numbers rise the chant will get louder and the impeachment will b brought front and center in the house and it will certainly pass.

It should be most interesting as the minority right has zero way to pursue the investigation in the house as the committees are controlled by the democrats. There will be an investigation in the Senate and the democrats will sit in the back seat screaming look over here, look over here at what the house gave us.

Today in the hate filled politics of Washington.

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IMO it could either way.

Then Limbaugh says this:

I really think that if Nancy and her band of comrades decide to go through as you say, they still need to pass a high bar to prove charges! Also the risk to democrats being exposed because there will certainly be testimony that would have to be made public if a trial by the Senate would occur! By this standard the Democrats dirty secrets with names, dates, and actions would be discoverable into public record. Even with testimony behind closed doors during committees investigations, it would still have to be presented as admittance of evidence which would then be subject to public debate! Now having said that, Nancy just recently decided that a vote won’t take place. There is much speculation about that right now as to why, but I suspect there are people that are going to be indicted soon, and people like Schiff, Pelosi, and others maybe compromised and are now backing off for fear of weakening their base further. I feel a October surprise is coming soon, and this entire Ukraine scandal is serving as a detriment to their hoax which latest polls show that a majority of Americans aren’t buying it!

They don’t have to prove anything

That belongs to the senate

The vote is for a house investigation. They are bypassing the vote so the GOP cannot investigate from the house floor

Nois the investigation is limited to what the committee chair allows

I already know that, and that much is clear, but I just articulated at some point that records will be made public if an impeachment trial takes place. Do you not understand that part or was I not clear in articulating that point?

And you think that the White House is without a counter punch? Seriously? Why do you think AG Barr has been silent all this time? The IG report? The Durham investigation? All of that is going to be very disruptive to the Dems strategy I assure you!

That is pure speculation, albeit plausible still speculative at best and it may not happen especially it indictments of high profile people are unsealed with an announcement of a grand jury convening.

We live in interesting times where people want to end a legally elected president because they don’t like him.

Imagine if those that’ll disliked Obama did the same thing, likely civil war would have taken place. Yet it’s ok today

It may be speculation however it’s what your seeing today

We live in interesting times because we are in the middle of a culture war where the heart and soul of the country is at stake. The stakes couldn’t be higher as it is a fight to the death! If we can’t hold everyone accountable under the law equally then the country will not survive! When we speak about the subversion of the rule of law, everything is by way of China! China represents our biggest threat, and the RINO and Democrats protestations is all motivated by Trump destroying the gravy train of pay to play schemes of the political class swamp creatures who seek to keep the status quo! Defeat China’s economic aggression and you defang the deep state and their supporting class! Everything else falls into place which is why the global trade reset is ruffling many feathers of the black hats! Trillions of dollars are literally at stake!

Well? This is very interesting! Now the New York’s Times is reporting on Spygate!

And on cue the hit pieces to discredit what is coming next!

The rats are scurrying!

Oh and there is this a inconvenience to the Democratic smear campaigns


Here is a analysis of the N.Y. Times article just published!