đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Obama is very powerful
just sayin’.

No. You are not saying anything much troll!

Psychological projection is a mental illness coping mechanism, Trump exemplifies it naturally

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Good for you! Now move along and stop trying to derail this thread troll! No one here cares about your stupid TDS!


Obama derangement triggers the conspiracy fear gene for many.

Yep, they exhibited collosal ODS back in the day and now get triggered when Trump’s lies and incompetence are exposed.

Buh buh, bye!:skull::skull_and_crossbones:

Do you have anything intelligent to ad to this thread or are you going to keep playing your little childish troll farm games? This is the type of behaviour that losers do when they lost their arguments and now have a need to practice their passive aggression in order to vent!

You’ll never get @Tyfoon’s attention with that spelling! :rofl:

Thanks for catching that!

Seriously, did you really have to ask? Passive aggressive trolling constitutes about 90% of her posts.

Out of curiosity, how do you know its a she? did they admit as much at one time in a past post?

How so, he seems rather quiet for the most part???

Now that’s pretty damn funny

No but either it’s female or an incredibly effeminate male based on the constant histrionic posting style and passive aggressive trolling.

Oh ok. Just was wondering because its not the first time you referred to it as a “she”.

Did you also notice how it, will respond to almost every poster on a thread but the ones who calls out it’s nonsensical statements?

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Wait a minute, that’s probably just a joke

Gotta be the deep state right, or maybe something like that


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