🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Because he is still living in Trump’s head as well as many of Trump’s alternate reality believers?

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Ciao, blessed days all around!

This is a very interesting story and wonder when this comes back to bite them hard! The IG report is coming soon and wonder how will Wray react? My suspicion is that he will try to obfuscate as much of it as possible!

Well, well! This is getting more interesting as things start to heat up as the other forgotten loose ends become unraveled within a web of cover up!

And even more stuff!



Kinda sad that all we have for real journalism these days is Fox and Foreign Media like the Epoc Times.

Its s not healthy for News media to be owned by giant corporations headed by ideologues. We certainly have reached a point of wokenness where legacy media can not be trusted any more!


Focus in Spygate Scandal Shifts to CIA, Former Director Brennan

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Exactly. These media conglomerates place global audience appeal above US national interest.

They are Ivy League ideologues feeding at the trough as their corporate masters tell them what to say! Their bubble that they live in is going bankrupt!

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I’d like to know how they managed to get any work done at all during that period?

Seriously, 13,000 pages of Text messages?

That would be about 50 texts per page. 50 x 13,000=65,000/26 months =25,000 texts per month /40 work days each month=625/wk/5days=125 texts per day.

Just how much time did they have left to get any work done at all?

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Did you formulate the math yourself out of curiosity? I never myself thought to do that, and its an interesting point you bring up! FBI officials have a lot of time on their hands.

Yes I did just figuring on average sentence size and sentences per page.

There may be a calculation error in there somewhere because admittedly I worked it out in my head. Feel free to check my work.

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Some people are now freaking out!

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:laughing:…and that just shows the actual power he has. No need for him to flounder to gain attention.

It’s appropriate for presidents to stay out of it mostly, as Bush and Obama have done. Of course we know damn well that Trump won’t, I predict he’ll be the most vocal and critical ex pres of all time.

…and here is a snippet from elsewhere about some other deep-state business.