šŸ•µ OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Winning is coming soon!

Horrowitz is busy as hell. Iā€™m amazed heā€™s been able to half of what heā€™s gotten done to this point.

More on this in a related case but is tied to the bigger narrative here.

Well this a little bit interesting! Page does raise an interesting question here!

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Horowitz will come out with a list of all accusations of breaking protocol and other procedures only to rule that it wasnā€™t criminal misfeasance. Just like his 435 pages of bias within the FBI only to rule that bias hasnā€™t effected their discussions.

Donā€™t pin your hopes on Horowitz. Heā€™s as much of insider as they come.

Protect the department all all cost mentality.

Iā€™m not so sure. He has come down with criminal indictments and recommendations for sanctions and discipline in the past.

Yes, in large part is job is to protect the agency and sometimes the only way to do that is to purge it.

Iā€™d say weā€™re probably looking at 50/50 odds he actually does the right thing.

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Yeah, I am with you on the skepticisms of Horowitz and what he is going to reveal! I was hugely disappointed by his last report and I suspect we are going to get the same treatment with the FISA abuse investigation once itā€™s made public. I could be wrong but at this point I am in the camp of saying ā€œsurprise meā€!

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Very compelling. I think Nunes is right, yet I doubt the ability to hold these agencies accountable.

We all know Trump was given a dirty deal with the spying and the Mueller propaganda, yet it would appear that the bad actors have so many accomplices that it is logistically improbable to prosecute them.

I am hoping for the best and expecting the worst.



Nunes is right. The politicization of Intel, Justice, and the FBI against first candidate Trump and then President Trump has got to be punished severely and where necessary legislation passed and signed into law before he leaves office to ensure it never happens again by making the penalties too severe.

Such actions are by definition Treasonous and horrendous abuses of power and need to be treated as such.

If the FISA judges who got rolled by the dishonest warrant requests and repeated misrepresentations donā€™t themselves take serious actions against those responsible they need to be impeached, publicly humiliated, and driven from the bench permanently as well as having their law licenses forever revoked.


Yes I agree! The real danger here is that if no one is held accountable then basically the rule of law and equal treatment under the law is dead! There has to be repercussions in order to reestablish confidence in government again! How do we get there when the Clintons continue to walk free?

Well the plot thickens! Solve the Seth Rich murder and you pretty have the smoking gun that connects all the dots!

For justice to prevail, there must be;

  • indictments
  • public trials in federal courts
  • convictions
  • disbarments
  • federal prison sentences served (completely)
  • impeachments and removal from Congress (without retirement pay) of the lying members that kept claiming they had evidence of things that NEVER EXISTED

On the last one, we know that will never happen. Though we commoners are fined and jailed for lying to Congress, Congress is immune from prosecution for lying to us.

Lying to the American public is just part of their job description.

I think weā€™ll never develop the balls to vote them out of Congress. Too many of them have sufficient useful idiots voting for them to guarantee that they die in office.

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Look people have been losing faith in the Justice System as a whole and in Federal Law enforcement since the 90ā€™s and if they get a pass here we may well be at a point of no return.

You can only pretend incompetence for so long.

What I live for!

UPDATE Breaking News!

This is very interesting!


I have always liked Digenova and Victoria, both are real bulldogs.

Dumbest thing done by the democrats since this all began was to demand that Mueller come and testify again giving republicans an opportunity to grill him on the record.