đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

I don’t know a lot about Ireland’s political culture, but there is something to be said of its past causes. Certainly the financial crisis and the Euro bail out is one that comes to recent memory in my mind that might come in a close second with Greece.

Google is what got Obama elected, along with Soros money, so yeah no surprises there. Is it no wonder they have been targeting conservatives?

Yeah I think you are right, and will meditate on this for a few days, but apparently if the Clinton’s are able to rouse up this much contempt from across the pond, it says to me that people are paying attention to their scandals and the latest developments which is impressive. Its says to me that people actually do care about justice and its not just an American issue, but something that transcends into all of humanity.

Accidents do happen!

It’s apparent that the rest of the media is covering Clinton’s ass only.

Some pretty interesting insights about messaging. What Jeb Tweeted out, and What the Secret Service also tweeted out. Remember its not what is said, but what isn’t said that is the real message.

Video is already cued up to show you what I am talking about. I am glad I was able to learn this and is very interesting!


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Ok that’s just funny. Truly sad, but at the same time funny as hell.

Watching the revisions on the major networks plus MSNBC and CNN is going to be hilarious.

What this guy says is probably what to expect when Mueller testifies. What is more interesting is when the AG finally emerges along with the IG report I suspect is going to be explosive.

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My understanding is that the delay in the release of the IG Report is due to some originally reluctant witnesses deciding to cooperate more with the IG.

Perhaps the now common knowledge that the poo is about to hit the fan has driven them to start blaming each other and pushing away some of their own complicity.

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Yep you are correct, although I viewed another source that said the same thing, I then went back and found this one that confirms what you are saying is true! I also wonder if the Epstein case might also flush out others that may have this connected in other circles as well?


Jeb Bush message very odd. Secret service message 
 not so odd.

Bush must really be butthurt
almost as much as Hillary.

I want to hear more about what cyber crimes and misdeeds were done by Iran, NoKo, and China.

Me too! I think a clearer picture will emerge to answer those questions once the case or cases reaches a point of Grand jury Indictments!

It’s a swamp full of scared alligators that are going to be snapping at each other’s tails in hopes of getting out alive.

The next year is going to be epic, and the five months following that as we close in on election day are likely to get explosive.

Just wait, this will all be billed as political payback and Trump’s desperate attempt unlawfully using the federal gov’t to after his political enemies in an effective coup because he is afraid to give up power.

Add that to all the racist accusations and the battle over immigration and I see next summer being more violent than we’ve seen since the sixties/early seventies.

I can see some of what you are saying as playing out, but I am predicting that the first part of this will play out sooner, and will continue into next year. IMO I am going to assume there is a plan to get ahead of the story so by the time next year rolls around all those narratives or I should say attempted spin narratives you speak of will be meaningless.

Libs will collaborate with violent actors to instigate what appears to be public protest that ends with an authoritarian
 even the use of national guard or cops that shoot people.


We’ve already seen that with BLM, Occupy, and Antifa being enabled and encouraged by the left.

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming

Four dead in Ohio.

It was a powerful political message.

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REC for the Crosby, Stills and Nash ref

‘crime’ is just a point of view, especially if you are in NoKo


Way Hay! This is definitely interesting