šŸ•µ OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Yes, both are at the front supporting the law and criticising the entire sh*tshow! I wanted DeGenova to be AG but I also understood he had no chance of being nominated by the swamp!

You will like this though and it looks like Muellerā€™s credibility is disintegrating more and more as we head closer to his appearance!

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Getting nominated isnā€™t the problem. Any outspoken conservative is not going to fare well in the confirmation process unfortunately. Hell look what they did to Kavanaugh and heā€™s about as milquetoast as it gets.

Well, Iā€™d say Mullerā€™s in deep trouble as this continues to unravel.

Yes along with many of his conspirators! I want Weismann to testify! He is another that needs to face the music!

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As far as Weissman is concerned heā€™s one of those I thought should have been disbarred long ago.

It seems like half of the big names on his crew all had serious legal and ethical violations in the past which makes me wonder how the hell they can even be employed by the Justice Dept much less still practicing law and not behind bars themselves.

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Well on your latter point I suspect itā€™s hard to fire career bureaucrats and in an earlier statement by Sydney Powell she commented on this matter as being an issue where such officials get to operate with impunity without fear of losing their jobs or reprimand needs to desperately change!

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I want to see Schiff in an orange jumpsuit, even if itā€™s just a Saturday Night Live skit. But it has to be the real Schiff


Barack Obama and his administration have been undermining law and order by weaponizing government departments against conservative entities, conservative candidates, conservative votersā€¦anyone opposed to their agendaā€¦ever since that sleazy, corrupt, imposter started running for the office of President.

He weaponized the IRS. He weaponized the FBI. He weaponized the entire DOJ.

Obama is the most dishonest President weā€™ve had in my lifetime. Jimmy Carter comes in a close second. His idiotic claim that Donald Trump was elected by the Russians must have come to him in a dream. The political experts have already concluded that Russian interference had no effect on the outcome of the election.

To hell with Jimmy Carter!

To hell with Barack Obama!

To hell with Hillary Clinton!

To hell with Slick Willy Clinton!

All of the above are worthless sleazebags!

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I hope it boils down to Obama and Hillary and see which one turns stateā€™s evidence against the other first. :smile:


Yeah hard to argue with anything you are saying, but the more we learn the facts about what has been happening the more I am inclined to think that this has been a systematic slow roll ( say 40+ years) of Marxism taking over our institutions by way of liberalism. Obama was just an empty suit whose puppet strings were being controlled by the likes of Chinese dirty money, Soros and the Bankers in order to usher in the new age of Technocrats to make slaves of us all! Is it no wonder that Neil Bush is promoting the communist party of China and openly criticising Trump? No coincidence, his Grandfather was part of the Globalist cabal! The dots are connecting!

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I guess it would have to be Hillary

If it was BHO then it would not be long before he and Michelle ended up shooting themselves in the back of the head ā€¦ twice

I bow to your greater knowledge, but Jimmy always struck me as a benevolent wimp, and he is the only POTUS in the last century never to have bombed another country.

Carter was a very decent man and a mathematical genius but perhaps the most inept president in the history of the nation.

Good descriptionā€¦benevolent wimp! He is known to have taken advice from his 13 yo daughter, Amy.

Heā€™s also responsible for a lot of Cuban inmates and mentally ill being sent to Miami by Fidel Castro.

Yes. Heā€™s also been misidentified as a successful peanut farmer. He didnā€™t plant and harvest peanutsā€¦he bought and sold them. He was a peanut broker, though he did try to run the family farm for a while.

They did both actually.


His dad was apparently bright enough to realize that the real money was in trading, not farming.


Jimmy wasnā€™t nearly as successful as his dad was.

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Certainly not in business.

Thatā€™s an interesting take, I actually had to take a hard look to single out US Presidents who were not at war during their administrations. Hmmļ¼ŸItā€™s a sordid past!

