🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

With their loyalty to the cause if not the man himself I’d say the chances of ever tying it directly to Obama are slim to none.

Remember all of those willing to be ruined or even go to prison to protect Clinton back in the 90’s?

Same people, same level of loyalty and committment.


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I love her reporting.

Who else is covering this story with regular frequency? The pressure needs to keep being applied!

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Hannity regularly, Carlson almost as frequently. Nobody else that I can think of.

Right but those pundits also are covering other stories at the same time, at least with Epoch times theirs is exclusively focused!

Well, there’s a lot more to cover and if that were their sole focus people would bore with their shows pretty quickly.

She does a great job of it for sure.

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Another one with some great insight where this maybe headed. I agree with this guy that the Clinton E-mail/server scandal needs to be re-opened and investigated.


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Dam! How the hell is the Deep State going to spin this?

They are concerned because their own incompetence and malfeasance has blown a long time source/asset. I also suspect quite a few of them are now concerned for their jobs as a result.

They are as bureaucratic as can be.

No doubt but this goes far beyond the typical bureaucracy. A group of people used the CIA, FBI, DOS in an attempt to stop Trump from getting elected for purely partisan reasons and then went even further attempting to use the power of their offices to pull off a soft coup of a duly elected president.

At a minimum it borders on treason since it’s an unlawful attempt to bring down the US Gov’t.


Oh…absolutely. your use of "incompetence and malfeasance " made me think you referring more to the mundane problems of intelligence organizations.

As they should be! This is not something that just started yesterday, this has been going on for quite some time, and it’s just Karma calling in its debt!

That is the problem there are too many careerists in government and they need to change the rules where less protections are afforded them and more accountability is enforced! These people think they can operate with impunity and it needs to stop!

Well this is interesting. I debated whether or not of creating a separate thread just for Hilary, but I guess its relative to this one. If you disagree then I will listen.


What dupes her supporters are!
I’ve expected her to be packing up and leaving the United States for some time now.

It saddens me to see the Irish painting themselves more corrupt than the Greeks.

< irony >
Google meddling in the US elections? Who would have thought? … :rofl:
< /irony >

So yes, Doc, whilst this vid does have connection with the attempts to disrupt the business of POTUS and his attempts to act in the interests of his/your country, I think the Clintons merit their thread. :+1:

edit: I sure hope that Gemma O’Doherty is still alive next year.

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