šŸ•µ OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Oh you are not following? So you donā€™t remember when they had Hillary Clinton under Oath and they basically caved to ask the hard questions? Not that hard to figure out! A healthy dose of skepticism is needed!

I prefer to hold a neutral position until I see what questions they are asking.

Thereā€™s been a hell of a lot of turnover in congress since Hillary was there.

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So do you know all the Republicans on the committee that will be asking the questions?

Nope and I donā€™t pretend to.

A big part of the turnover in 2018 though was due to republicans failing to keep their promises during Trumpā€™s first two years including a failure to reopen those investigations and seek criminal referrals and indictments.

Many who remain may be cowards but they arenā€™t stupid and realize that.

Yep. The dems will limit the scope to ā€œevidence of obstructionā€ and stop any question about the origins of the witch hunt or any other off topic

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That is what I anticipate and whenever Republicans on the committee attempt to delve into those uncomfortable subjects the dems will try burying them in parliamentary motions, points of order, objections and outright interruption and arguments.

To bad Jordan is not of that committee, he always seems to find a way to overcome those obstacles of motions, interruptions and objections. Collins comes close, and he is very intelligent so here is hoping that he can apply outside the box strategies to circumvent the Femocratic bs machine! I am also wondering now that Mueller agreed to testify for this committee then will he be required to testify in others ?

Jordan is one of my favorites in the swamp. Gowdy was as well and I wish he were still there.

He was really disgusted with the conduct and outcome of the Hillary/Benghazi hearings when he figured out that for the most part it was nothing more than a show put on by the leadership who really didnā€™t want anything to come of them.

After further research there are Jim Jordan, Doug Collins, Ratcliffe, Matt Gaetz, Loui Gomert, the rest as far as I am concerned are RINOS that are on this committee. So yeah, lets see what happens. I expect Jim Jordan to be chomping at the bit to get a crack at Mueller.

I love Gomert. His speaking voice is terrible but heā€™s always got something right on target to say. Heā€™s the flilp side of Levin in many ways verbally but both are great advocates for our side.


Seculow is a combination pig at rooting out whatā€™s hidden and masterā€™s level chess player.

Really a fan of his work.

Yeah he is the dark horse in all of this IMO who is on the right side to uncovering something that will be a bombshell and it will be hard to cover up!

Heā€™s been doing a great job of shining the light on the ā€œdeep stateā€ actors in the bureaucracy going all the way back to he IRS targeting scandal

More on Jayā€™s actions. Seems his uncovering is leading to more questions on the topic and focusing more on Samantha Power.

All signs seem to point to Power and her mad scramble in the last days of the administration to spread the dirt as widely as possible to increase the likelihood of ā€œleaksā€.

Her and Riceā€™s names surfaces more than any others when it comes to the unprecedented unmasking of Trump campaign officials.

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They were doing it for the teamā€¦so Obama wouldnā€™t have to do it himself.

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Neither of which should have ever been in a potion to order that anyone be unmasked.

Remember it was Obama who in the last year of his presidency changed the list of those who could not only do the unmasking but view the material as well widening the circle of dissemination to the point that leaks were guaranteed and would be very difficult to narrow don.

Well, the trail does lead back to Obama regardless of the daily spin in its attempts to protect the anointed one as Hannity so loves to refer him as. Barr so far has been pretty mum on things and I have to wonder if the Low hanging fruit is going to be offered as the sacrificial lambs to make this issue the beginning or the end! Everyone is silent right now!