đŸ•” OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

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So when are they going to actually do something about it?

That is the million dollar question right?

When is the IG report coming out? Also AG Bar has been ominously quiet these past few weeks, so who knows. Like always, when big news hits, it catches everybody when they are least suspecting it! I would imagine there is a strategy at play here as to when and where, as timing is everything!

It was expected between the 15th of June and first of July so it should be out literally any day now.

Yeah I heard that too, but more delays wouldn’t be surprising! The other thing to consider is that this could also be a slow drip up until election time! I wonder about the timing of all this. For example, if a high profile subject is charged and then put on trial, between now and Nov 2020 how Long do you think this could be before such a trial takes place. After-all we still have Mike Flynn saga still playing out as well with his newly hired power attorney Sidney Powell!

Horrowitz is incredibly thorough and no doubt more keeps popping up leading him to look even deeper.

With a conspiracy/cabal this deep there may be no end.

I don’t think he’ll keep it swinging in the wind too long though, he knows action needs to be taken to correct these ills.

I sure hope so! Because if no one is held accountable the country and it’s rule of law means nothing!

This makes me very ill today reading this!


Weissman is a POS and probably belongs in jail. He certainly should have long ago been disbarred for his unethical conduct and repeated violations of suspects rights.

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Yes, and finally Barr and the SCOTUS are giving him a fair deal.

The next year is going to be entertaining as hell heading into the conventions.

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Mueller Agrees to testify!

Oh Boy! here we go and things are about to get a whole lot interesting! Must be the DOJ is touching some nerves and getting close!

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Mueller won’t be “testifying”, he’ll be carefully manipulating the situation to lay out his own defense.

I have little doubt but that this has been carefully orchestrated between himself and the committee.

Yeah? We will see! Republicans are the ones manipulating the situation by not being able to ask the hard questions! Lets see how Gaetz and Collins handles the questions when it comes their time to question Mueller!

I’m not following you at all here, you haven’t even seen the questions that they will be asking.

We’ll see when the time comes I suppose.