šŸ•µ OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Yep, the investigation was launched in 2015.

Says the most prolific poster on this sight and has stated that they are an expert know it all on all subject matters! Yeah OK Cliff Claven! Off your meds again so it appears!

There you go, lying again which if you had an honest argument to make you wouldnā€™t need to do. Just quit.

Just go away! Go bother someone else! You have nothing to offer here!

I simply speak the truth, something you apparently cannot handle.

Now once again, just quit.

Speak truth? You canā€™t even be truthful with yourself So thanks for making me laugh on that one! That was funny as your talking shit here all the time knows no shame!

I canā€™t stop you from making an ass of yourself, all I can do is encourage you to cease and desist.

The rest is up to you.

Itā€™s my thread! You can show yourself out!

No, itā€™s public thread on a public forum. If you want to have a private conversation use the PM feature.

Donā€™t care! I just will put you on my permanent ignore list! No one will respond you! So have fun talking to yourself as I much rather spend my time with real people who actually know what they are talking about and have thoughtful conversations without trying to derail the thread than asshats like you!!

The only person derailing this thread is yourself.


Excellent piece on Mueller!


This is downright wrong! Both Mueller and Weismann should be disbarred for this latest revelation!


Yep Judge Sullivan has seen Muellers and DOJs prosecutorial mis conduct before in the Stevenā€™s case he knows what to look for.

I actually wasnā€™t familiar with the Stevens episode, only remembering it in the news some years ago, but it did catch my curiosity and I pulled up this very interesting read.

After reading this excellent piece, I am left to think a couple of questions about the same judge who now is faced with almost the same problem as before, but somehow Mueller and Weismann are allowed to continue in the same capacity of destroying peopleā€™s lives by falsely withholding exculpatory evidence? One thing is certain, if allowed to skate as has been the case in past abuses, the country as we know it will cease to exist if not held to account. It is my hope that both of these d-bags get what is coming, because it is long overdue!

Another excellent interview about what Mueller did by turning the rule of law upside down is with Sidney Powell. After watching this piece it is clearly evident that the DOJ and the FBI are corrupt to the core and now seeing the bigger picture of our constitutional crisis at hand how crucial it is right now to not only drain the swamp, but to institute severe changes!

Obamaā€™s Iran deal specifically allowed them to fund outside terror groupsā€¦

Dam! This is a set back! What the hell does Mueller and Wiesmann have on Sullivan? I have to start to wonder as he folds again!