šŸ•µ OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

You claim you havenā€™t watched their programming for 15 years, you have therefore no basis for criticizing their programming period.


Again you prove how clueless you are at times! I said I cut the cord which doesnā€™t mean that I donā€™t catch things like Tucker from time to time! Again proof positive of trying to put words in peoples mouths and slant interpretation to suit your over-bloated ego! You lose again! Have you heard of Youtube? No I guess you havenā€™t, so I rest my case!

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Good lord man, just quit. Itā€™s not like the rest of us canā€™t read your posts even if you donā€™t.

You donā€™t watch it but you do watch it but if she joins the network youā€™ll never watch her again.

Hilariously you say you donā€™t want to argue about it but you just canā€™t let it go and keep coming back to do just that.

You said you donā€™t want to argue the point but you canā€™t give it up. Might need to read up on ā€œObsessive Compulsive Disorderā€.

Pay attention to your own statement and just quit.

You are beyond stupid sometimes! Must be all the Fox news rotting your brain to not know the difference in what watching news on a daily basis and using different sources to be informed means! I am done with wasting my time with you! Donā€™t be surprised if I stop altogether engaging in any more conversations with you in the future! Welcome to my ignore list!

You made a fool of yourself again and instead of backing out gracefully you once again resort to personal attacks.

Your surrender is accepted.

Yeah sure! Anything that you have to tell yourself to keep your inflated ego going with such disillusions then by all means let me not stop you from making a jackass out of yourself!

Its pretty obvious, truthfully looking at yourself and self reflection is not in your DNA, not too mention basic reading comprehension skills and having an ounce of intellectual honesty!



ā€œI remember reading (after the 1st FISA warrant or 2nd, I could be wrong) that Comey spoke to President Trump at Trump tower, during the transition. Comey told Trump that the Dossier was ā€˜salacious and UNVERIFIEDā€™. Uh yeah, Comey knew yet he signed the warrant giving his full oath to the court that it was all verified. They spied on Trump (and others) before the election and after even knowing they had nothing.ā€

Likewise, I get plenty of input on what CNN, MSNBC, ABC and other FAKE NEWS outlets are parroting when I watch Fox.

Fox often plays sequential clips of idiotic statements made on outlet networks.

That is the truth! Speaking of which, responding to your earlier comment about how a lot of people who work for that network are always trying to sell their books, Bill Oā€™Reilly who was on the best seller list for a while there, as well as Brian Killmeade, is the sort of thing that I started noticing that it was becoming a more frequent thing. Big turn off when that kind of crap starts happening! Also along with Shep Smith, there was Bickell, Juan Williams, and now Donna Brazille, and donā€™t Me again Meghan Kelly is now unemployed after her show bombed is about par for the course with that network. Tucker and maybe Lou Dobbs is about the only thing worth watching at Fox News now.

Steve Hilton is also worth watching, as is Mark Levin. I also like comments by Dan Bongino and Joe Degenova.

They are all good at exposing the truth about SPYGATEā€¦especially Bongino.

Yeah, I agree, although I am not a regular watcher of those programs! I know Dan from his podcasts and he does an excellent job! I am now following the X22 report as my daily fix! Good stuff!

Yikes! Brennen is not going to have a good day ever again! New piece by McCarthy is pretty damning!

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And now this! This is pretty messed up if true! I am not sure what to say except to ask what is the motive for not prosecuting Strzok

This is getting interesting for Mueller. No wonder why he doesnā€™t want to take questions, he is covering a lot more than he is leading on to believe! You think?

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What are you afraid of Schiff? Seems like all the Democrats are trying to stop Barr from disclosing information and disrupt any of his investigations!

This is more interesting! Mukasey is cut off (intentionally) by a news hard break just when he is about to say that the first line in the Mueller report is a lie!

The only person making a jackass of themselves here is yourself.

Give it up.

Comey committed a fraud upon the court and should be prosecuted accordingly.