🕵 OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Very interesting read!

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…and spot on! The guilty are screaming bloody murder because their attempted silent coup failed and their own illegal activities are being exposed.

The left lost at the ballot box so they changed the rules and condoned illegal, clandestine activities using their assigned powers as agents of the United States government to undermine and spy on the sitting President of the country.

All of the guilty parties should be tried for treason and sentenced accordingly. They did nothing short of undermine our system of government by law and order.

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Great read! The most interesting aspect about Steel is when he is going to be asked whether his sources can be verified and when its a big “NOPE” I suspect that is when the snowball starts rolling and getting bigger!

Kind of reminds me of this/

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The Circle of Dossier Corruption

  • Barack Obama used Fusion to get dirt — opposition research — on Mitt Romney.

  • Hillary mimicked the approach to get Trump, with both using the same law firm, Perkins Coie to launder payments.

  • The opposition research on Trump was dressed up as Intel, then called a dossier, and used to get a warrant to spy on Carter Page and anyone in the Trump campaign he spoke with.

  • Steele, the author of the dossier, hated Trump and was tied to Obama’s State Department and FBI.

  • John Kerry ally, Jon Winer, fed information to the FBI and to Steele.

  • Hillary’s closest ally Sidney Blumenthal and her political ‘fixer’ Cody Shearer provided Russian Kremlin gossip to Winer to give to Steele.

  • Hillary’s campaign and the DNC paid for the dossier.

  • Soros funds the company that creates these vicious packets of research. George Soros Funds Fusion GPS

  • Even one of Mueller’s star witnesses, George Nader is a Clinton donor and a sexual pervert.

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Thanks for posting this! After reading this, it is clear to me that Kerry violated the Logan Act, but that could be an entirely separate issue, but still its obvious that Kerry was working against the interests of what is right and President Trump. The other thing that also stands out just as you demonstrate, is the wide circle of handlers, enablers and funders makes it exceedingly difficult to find the smoking gun sort of speak where any charges brought forth can be argued in legal terms to make the obvious obfuscation of the paper trail muddy. Here is hoping there are smarter minds in the law that can find an ironclad case to make that implicates all of these seditious actors!

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It’s going to be a very hot summer in DC no matter what the outside temperature is. We should be within ten days or so of the IG’s report coming out and that will light the fire on this whole mess.



In other News…

General Flynn’s New Attorney… Sidney Powell Becomes Weissmann’s Worst Nightmare…


I hate to laugh over such serious matters but I’m going to enjoy the next twelve months or so as this all gets exposed and people start paying a price for abusing their offices.

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And it looks like Flynn has good grounds to challenge his plea deal and has hired some very high powered legal muscle to do ti.

Yep! Sidney Powell is chomping at the bit, and she has a veritable dislike for Andrew Weissmann! This is going to have Mueller and him pretty nervous!

It’s long past time Weissman was exposed, sanctioned, and hopefully disbarred.

Did you watch the interview with her on Levin?

Yep. I try not to miss his show.

I just caught a clip of that on CFP and had forgotten that Weissmann was part of that Enron debacle! What was done to Anderson accounting firm is truly disgraceful what he did! I suspect he is trying the same shady shit with this entire investigation!


Do a little searching on his history and I’m sure you’ll agree he’s never been sanctioned or prosecuted for his misconduct which even predates the Enron debacle.

How our tax dollars could have paid for his “services” is unbelievable.

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Sean is on F&F right now and I’m sure he’ll get into it, they have a large “focus group” that they’ve been running all sorts of topics by this morning.

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