šŸ•µ OBAMAGATE. How Obama Officials Plotted to Take Down Trump! ***UPDATE***

Excellent! Yes! Save this and spread it around!

I sure hope Barr has a copy of it as he can verify easily what is or isnā€™t true in the letter and then take appropriate action.

Well things are getting to be a real cooker! Why else would Democrats come out tell bold face lies and push for impeachment?



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Iā€™m surprised that Fox or Sky hasnā€™t tried to hire her away from the TET. Not only does she have piercing beauty sheā€™s just damned good at what she does.

I think the company she works for is hers or she is a shareholder of it and she has stated that she is only interested real journalism that is in keeping with the integrity of reporting non opinionated hard news.

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With her approach and Talent she could be a star at FNC. Iā€™d trade her out for Shep in a second.

Not me! Fox is just another legacy media conglomerate! Epoch Times is exactly what we need, right now, in order to break up the monopoly of corporate driven news media industry. Fox used to be good, but they just have too many liberals for my tastes as well as too many talking heads competing for the publicā€™s attention that makes it rather intolerable to watch for long periods of time.

Thatā€™s why I think FNC could use her and sheā€™d be good for the network in one of the hard news slots, preferably Shepā€™s.

Why? Why promote Fox News? I simply saying no. I hope that never happens, as I will never watch her again if she did decide to go to Fox News. Anyway, I highly doubt that she would do it! I think there was always a long term plan by her company as they saw a need for their format and decided to get in at the right time. The channel is picking up more viewers by the day. Another channel that is growing is OAN, but I am not sure who their financing is coming from.

Thatā€™s your choice. Fox reaches more viewers on cable than the rest combined and itā€™s the only network that isnā€™t just an extension of the DNC.

Yeah, I am going to disagree with you on that buddy! I used to work in the industry, and more and more people are moving away from Fox. They used to be the highest rated network, but with declining viewership for a myriad of reasons is suggesting that legacy media in general canā€™t be trusted, especially when its owned by a globalists and Trump haters like the Murdochs its a eventuality that its decline will happen sooner or later, as we have seen with the other networks as well, but not as fast.

Yes you are right, it is my choice not to be brainwashed by network television! I cut the cord 15 years ago and my life has improved as a result!

Fox still dominates cable news by a long shot.

Nobody gets close to reaching as many viewers until you get over to Network News and the big 3.

Cable News! Not network TV across all platforms! Essentially I really donā€™t care! If this suits your fancy by allowing such trash to live in your head rent free, then by all means have at it! Its your time!

Which is exactly what I said to begin with. Network TV News dwarfs all of cable news combined by around 10x .

Fox is ā€œThe Alternativeā€ and dominates cable news, it is a medium that we con exploit because itā€™s the only network that isnā€™t repeating the same DNC talking points all day long.

Fox is not the alternative, they lost that distinction over the last couple of years. They are another news corp that is part of the legacy media giants. Also I really donā€™t want to argue with you about this any more as this is off topic!

How would you know? You claim to have quit watching them over 15 years ago so obviously you have no basis for that statement.

I do have a basis, I worked in the industry and represent several clients within the industry itself. Again you make such broad assumptions that sometimes you go off the rail and is why I get frustrated having discussions with you. You are at times a very presumptuous poster and know very little of my experiences or my knowledge!

No you donā€™t, not if you arenā€™t watching their programming.

Again you are assuming what I know and what my experience is! As if I have to watch their programming on a daily basis to know the necessary information to form such opinions? That has got to be the dumbest thing you have ever said here aside from your past statements on other subject matters! Assuming only makes you look like a bigger jackass, than you already make yourself out to be at times which you seem to do quite a bit here in other threads! Please donā€™t waste my time with such childish bullshit, as you always find a way ruin a conversation!

ā€¦and they sell each otherā€™s books a lot.

Sometimes Fox and Friends take on the aura of an infomercialā€¦always some hawker selling wares on the studio floor or the sidewalk.

I would trade a pile of steaming dog squeeze for Shep Smith and still be on the losing end of the trade.