Not World War III

Yes I have, and resorting to the same drivel unimaginative name calling tactic because of your limited language abilities is not an argument either! Try again Digipoo this time add some substance to your argument!

Agreed. WW3 is a covert war and has been on for a while now. Chemtrails are definitely a huge problem anywhere on the planet. I just saw an article that a chemtrail pilot wrote. Gotta find it


heh heh Rodeo Drive in LA would become Taco Street

Great post Jedidiah!!! It’s unfortunate that we have too many people that are pro war and buy into the bs about Saudi Arabia and Israel, both of which are as dirty as Iran, but for political and economic reasons are not given the designation of terrorist state that they are.

Isn’t their job to keep the mouth shut?

The people who had an idea in the least why they were in Iraq (and Vietnam and Europe during WWI and II) were the servicemen. Their job was to follow orders and not to ask questions.

Besides, compartmentalization in the government prescribes: Don’t ask, don’t tell. Do your given job only.

What happened to the Navy Seal Team who (supposedly) killed bin Laden? Were they talking about their mission? I don’t think so.

That’s your specialty.

which you never do because your game is getting noticed.
I actually pity you.

Yes, it has been on for a while.
But many overlook it because of the mass media and other diversion tactics.
There is a document called “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”

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Holy crap I didn’t realise you were this clueless but daft too! Thanks for proving my point! Spend more time working on your English and reading comprehension skills digipoopoo then pretending to be an expert on every subject matter here!

Your idea of realpolitik.detente and rapproachment more famously known as Appessement has never worked and is a sign of weakness.
How do you deal with Islamic hotheads blinded by their interpretation of the Quran yelling death to America. You would have a better chance of them eating pork.
You have deal with them with the economic sanctions,increasing them as needed and with a gun to the head.
They are still 21st century barbarians and savages.

The focus of every thinking man of good character should be to humanize the Iranians.

The Iraq War killed thousands of Americans, over a million Iraqis, ruined the country and made the world markedly unsafer. Without the Iraq War there would have been no ISIS. A war with Iran will be even worse.

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Who cares what they are yelling? Is anyone stopping you or anyone here from wishing death upon them or their people? What’s the difference?

Then maybe Israel should fight their own battles, or not start new ones they can’t handle.

How do you humanize a sub humanize
a sub human sub species.

Israel has always fought their own battles.

Starting with the USS Liberty. Killing 34 US service members and injuring 171. Who needs enemies with friends like that, amirite?

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The American people elected a populist-maverick billionaire who openly bragged that he couldn’t be bullied and bought and who ran on an anti-War, America First platform. It was a monumental achievement. As an original Trump supporter, I can honestly say that we did our part, at great personal cost and so our hands are totally clean. Make no mistake though, neocon shills like yourself are the reason why this country and much of the world is perpetually fucked up. You put America last, no matter how hard you beat your chest and chant USA, USA, USA, like a mook.

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You are absolutely wrong about me. I was against Nam because there was no rhyme or reason or exit strategy. SE ASIA didn’t all become Communist countries.
I didn’t like going into Iraq because So Dam Insane kept the Radical ISLAMIC terrorists in cemeteries. He was by no means was a finalist for ruler of the year award, but necessary to thwart Iran.
Iam not blinded by our flag and our country has made its share of mistakes but is still the best country on earth.
I’m not some ignorant red neck as you imply.I may not have a 4 yr degree like most in here, but I comprehend what I read and self educate myself and consider myself an INDEPENDENT Republican.We have to accept the world as it is, not as we want it to be.

Friendly fire incidents happen in every war.

Our Navy was absolutely in the wrong failing to follow their own deconfliction protocol failing to alert the Israelis the Liberty was on station.

Fuck off with that shit. It was a sustained attack.


Yes and we shelled British positions in Afghanistan for over eight hours.

It was still by definition a friendly fire incident and our Navy admitted their fault in causing it.

Many years ago I read the book ‘The Arab Israeli Wars,’ written by a Herzog. What I mainly remember about the book was it’s cheerleading for Israel, on a Sean Hannity level. There was a paragraph dedicated to the U.S.S. Liberty incident, and it was very stiff and dry. The vibe I got was that the piece of shit author was saying, ‘hey, the families were compensated, what are they bitching about!’ Anyone who understands how things work knows that if there was a one hundred million dollar settlement to the families, free aid to Israel went up one hundred million dollars the next year. Keep shilling though…those shekels must be adding up in your PayPal account.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a great example of a textbook Likudist response. Absolutely nauseating.

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