No evidence for anthropogenic climate change

Yes, I thought that after I posted. I suppose it depends who is banging the drum. If TPBT want buses to be quickly ‘seen’ on the roads then the fuel will be trucked in. Whichever there will have to be some intermediate storage brought into being pretty quickly although I expect the likes of Air Products or similar have solutions that can be quickly brought to bear.

Liquid hydrogen is so cold, when they transfer it from a truck to a storage tank, they put a drip pan below the transfer hose to collect condensed air. Air Products and Linde do that routinely, but it’s still dangerous. Then they’ll probably vaporize and compress it to fill their fuel tanks on the vehicles.

They’ll do it very carefully in the demo, but it’s not something I can envision being done everywhere. I think that they’re wasting a lot of money on a prospect that has very low odds of paying off.

Agreed, however politicians have never been completely rational IMHO

Hah! The never-ending question: stupid or currupt? My observation is that the latter is more often the case. Crooks, lying phonies and cowards are more common than dullards in politics.

In this case, I don’t expect the people in charge to know whether it’s a good idea or not. They’re just grubbing for money. I know a fair amount about the subject, and I can’t say for sure that it’s a bad idea. I can say that there’s probably a million better and more appropriate things to spend tax money on.

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That chart is incorrect - for some reason they omit water vapor, also a “greenhouse gas” of about the same percentage as Argon, about 20x the amount as CO2. One tropical storm can drop as much water as the entire inventory of CO2 in the atmosphere. Yet, “climate scientists” claim that they can quantify the warming effect of CO2 increasing from 0.035% to 0.04%. They can’t make a prediction that proves this claim, and attack skeptics with insults. That’s psuedoscience in a nutshell.


I know climate change has nothing to do with wearing masks, but I couldn’t resist the temptation. :grin:

Saying “CO2 causes global warming” is like saying “Lung cancer causes smoking.”
— Prof. Bob Carter

In earth’s history, there have been slight increases of CO2 after a warming period. In fact, there was a slight increase of CO2 in 1990s as well following a slight warming which stopped in 1998.

Au contraire - I think it has a lot to do with it.
TPTB decided climate change wasn’t working as a control mechanism so they switched the agenda to CV19 - CC couldn’t stop us flying but CV did.
everthing is connected, we just need to join the dots.

THE GREEN ELECTRIC CAR MYTH: 772 Pounds Of Petro-Chemical Plastics In Each Vehicle

“Green” is a mantra in the “global warming” religion.

During the Jurassic, when the dinosaurs roamed the earth,
it was a lot warmer and greener. LOL

We call them liberals these days !! Out of the mouth of turds comes more shit than one man can bare , slow your roll TURD !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This German/Dutch power generation company are really going for it …
Unfortunately there is no mention of what percentage of consumption is being filled by wind-power.

Probably we should start a new thread for this kind of thing …

Windmills may kill birds, but if they are built off-shore, most birds will be safe.
Much better solution than nuke power stations and hydroelectric dams (which have been collapsing in the US, China and elsewhere). Furthermore, hydroelectric dams destroy nature and cause earthquakes.

There is so much chemtrail in the sky and I have no idea what these chemicals do.
And the unusually heavy rains over China this year probably are a result of weather warfare. Nothing is sacred anymore.

Vote Biden or get more wild fires

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Trump is responsible for these wild fires…
This puts the blame on the people who voted for him.

Pharisaic logic, I guess.

In reality, dry air and strong winds are signs of a (coming) Ice Age.

You cannot be serious …

I think that was another attempt to get this thread on the Pharisees. Boy I haven’t seen that for a day, at least

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