NJ Terror Suspect Polled Instagram Crowd on NYC Attack: Feds

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The Muslim hordes haven’t won a war with the west in over a century and the Palestinians never have.


Yet despite more than 2,000 years of attempts to exterminate the ■■■■ they thrive and if we’re to believe the ■■■ Haters are secretly running the world.

Nazism on the other hand was destroyed in less than two decades.

That’s a North African Conscript. Try again.


Next time the Muslim horde or the Palestinians win a war against the west or Israel be sure to let us know.

No one cares…you and your pals want to keep screwing around with us? That’s cool. When you anti-Americans make a bait thread, expect a response. Remember where you are and who you are dealing with.

I’m anti American? Hilarious.

I didn’t make this thread, and the wannabe terrorist like most of his friends is a moron.

By all means though, I hope one day the Palestinians are dumb enough to start a real war so they can be wiped out.


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That’s the appropriate penalty under the law for a traitor.

I wasn’t sure what you were referring to. Then I saw the history. Looks like @Patriot changed it to keep the peace. They make threads like this then get massively butthurt when people sling mud back.

Then this guy makes only reaction posts and never responds with anything of substance. Low quality and low effort posts.

We were assured that this was a “Free Speech” forum. Are you saying it’s not?

You might want to ask your pals to bring you up to speed. Y’all asked for moderation. It’s here.

Yeah, I can se that…

Typical IQ of a ■■■ is likely higher than yours.

Donald Trump isn’t a member of this forum. Y’all were whining uncontrollably yesterday about your feelings and words that make you feel all sorts of sad inside. Talk to your buds.

Asking the mods to throw out the trash is not asking for moderation.

If, in response, a moderator says “duh…how u gonna ban da one an’ not da odda” when we have tools of terrorist organizations propagandizing here on this forum, I think we see what the truth is. This site was set up for these people to propagandize their lies. And I am ashamed that I fell for the ploy.

Interesting response… considering you were here when we moved and know that is flat out nonsense.

What’s really unfortunate is all of the months of negative commentary about this site and it’s members, which has taken place in multiple Fireside Chat threads. I’ve read every single one.

What I thought was most interesting was when the Fireside Chat group conspired to withhold donations in order to get me to ban who they wanted. Since that conversation, I have been skeptical of the agenda of this group here…thus, I have been resistant to cave to your well organized demands. Had it not been for this actual conspiracy taking place behind the scenes, I might have been more apt to respond positively to the requests of this group. Instead, I have kept you all at arms length regardless of the reasonableness of your requests.

Further, the fireside chat group has been most likely to post personal attacks on others then flag when people have had enough. It’s behavior I usually see from leftists. Sad.

Finally, this group has been given every opportunity to form private groups, invisible groups, etc. If that’s not good enough, despite all the negativity that all of you have brought to the board behind the scenes, I am not sure there is much more I can do.