Trump is so butt hurt he’s cracking, and he’s so ignorant of the constitution he thinks a senator can be impeached…ROTFLMFAO…
Your trolling for a response is devoid of critical thought! Monte the in house clown, imagine that! You just posted a article that reveals the true nature as to why “Big Club” ( see China, see open borders, see NAFTA, see COC) are criticising Trump! Also posting fake news sources such as the guardian only proves what a dimwit you really are and your trollish behaviour does more to reenforce your clown status here more than anything! All too funny!
All what advantages? What does that even mean???
Desperate for attention are ya? Why not respond to every other poster here which is your usual troll MO?
Geez who said that I wonder?
He did more then lick his fanny when he wanted Trumps endorsement in the 2012 election. Romney is a disappointment for sure as he is just another typical unclean & deceptive career politician. Good luck with unseating Donald Trump Mitty, it’s not happening!
Oh yes we have, Carter, Clinton and Obama to name a few Democrat President clowns and embarrassments and as far as the revolving door there has never been a Presidential Administration harassed like this one has been and Trump can take it but there are few others that can and his supporters and voters are flaming mad and his campaign is raising $$$ hand over fist.
Trump will get a second term, choke on it.
Lmao, none of them went through people like this moron has. He needs to retain a temporary employment agency…
The Dems have certainly done an about face since the JFK days haven’t they? Everything is upside down, inside out and socialist with the current Dems, i’ts certainly not the political party of my parents and grandparents that’s for sure.
They are not! They are progressives posing as Democrats! In name only!
Because he doesn’t like you.
Temper tantrum you know because he has nothing but hate to express about the president.
On has to ask to what purpose is he here?
I suspect to just piss everyone off. As if we don’t have enough of that in the country.
Perhaps that’s what our moderators want.
He had buttloads of money and was considered the frontrunner by all of the pundits who value money over everything else. Then the voting started…
Of course that is a given due to the fact I am willing call out his internet bot farm trolling! Monte Crusty epitomes the definition of a internet Troll
Let’s see the pattern here:
- Regularly spreads disinformation from fake news sites
- Responds to every poster imaginable to gain attention
- Responds to every thread possible that is usually anti Trump rhetoric without ever reading the OP and or know or have knowledge what the subject matter is about
- Consistently tries to derail threads topics on purpose
- Is purposely Obtuse when asked a direct question or asked to provide a source for false assertions it makes
- Consistently lies just about everything it tries to debate about ( intellectually dishonest? Would be a misnomer if I thought there was anything intellectual about Monte? )
- Has more than one pseudonym it uses here
- Pretends to be a SJW
- Seeks any opportunity to exploit topics to feign outrage
I could go on and on and I am sure you could add to the list as others too can, but what would be the point? We already know this right? rofl:
He does love to troll the new people leading them on playing them.
Well this is the icing on the cake of Romney comedy memes! Hilarious!
Warning for colorful language!
Except for those he can’t rebut. He puts them on ignore
Romney is relevant precisely because he is irrelevant.
Lmao, and you think that republicans look like they did 60 years ago…
Monte does provide a certain amount of entertainment.
Yep, that’s a big problem too, but you tolerate it.