New Democrat Icon Mitt Romney Prepares to Unseat Donald Trump

Longo, Ivanka is MUCH more attractive than Benedict Romney.

Well if that’s your criteria you’ll be voting for Tulsi Gabbard…:man_shrugging:


Romney is a close friend of madman Bibi Netaniyahu.
This alone speaks volumes about how dangerous Romney is, not just for the US but for the entire world.

Besides, he is a Mormon while mormonism is tied to Masonry with an umbilical cord.

It is not a conservative vs liberal issue, just to quote your recent statement.

See, this is why I can’t understand you. Trump’s nose is up Netanyahu’s ass and yet you are a red hat Trumper. Why the hell is Romney criticized for being friends with Netanyahu…:man_shrugging: It makes no damn sense.

It is you that is the ignorant fool! ANY federal official can be impeached.

Can US Senators and Representatives be impeached - Answers

Can a senator impeach a senator? - Answers

Senators can be impeached – and have been impeached . The first (and as of now, only) senator to be impeached was William Blount in 1797.

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You too believing Trump’s nonsense???

On January 11, 1799, the Senate voted 14 to 11 to dismiss the impeachment, arguing that impeachment did not extend to senators.[9]

As usual, Monte the troll Crusty the clown has to perform mental gymnastics to make everything about his TDS rhetoric!

You’ll never need to point out to me the shortcomings of religion…


Trolling and thread derailing!

We are in agreement.
But religion serves a purpose, by giving some people a crutch in times of need.

I’m not so sure about that.
The recent event in norther Syria shows that Trump is getting US troops out of Syria without losing face, which is a good thing.
Politics is never what meets the eye.

Yeah, I’ll give you that…

Perhaps you can edit this Wikipedia article to correct all of the mistakes therein.

Impeachment is applicable to most. if not all government positions, at the federal and state levels. Each has its own rules.

The asshat probably wouldn’t know objective facts if it hit him over the head! Paid trolls are not here to discuss them only to discredit them with more relativism inserted in their posts!

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Probably so, but you’ll likely not get an answer.


Lol, you’re joking right, not only is he sending troops right back in, he lost his entire face in his impetuous retreat last week that required us bombing our own base on the way out and brought the wrath of the Kurds who threw rocks and rotten fruit at the retreating US soldiers, cursing them all the way. Even the GOP is beside themselves with anger at Trump’s “stupidity”. His truest ally Graham calling it the biggest mistake of his presidency…:rofl: