New Border Security Deal is Absolute Garbage!

Thanks for proving my point! You didn’t read the bill, or either that you have a serious reading comprehension problem, or you are being purposely obtuse. I will go with the former!

I read your OP, did you?

I see over 2 billion dollars for barriers where there aren’t any today.

Let me repeat today we have sections without a barrier or an inadequate one… this bill puts more barriers at those spots.

How is that not increasing border security?

BA Bye! :skull::skull::skull::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

California may be bigger threat then south of border.

According to Breitbart 53 percent of Californians are considering leaving the state.

Since 2/3 of Californians voted democrats…they’re going to spread their dangerous disease.

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They already have in places like Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, and other places.

I guarantee that many people aren’t leaving California. But if they do, that means more room for me.


Remember this a year ago? My money is now betting on the worst. I predict that he caves, and he doesn’t even run for re-election.

He also promised that he would never do it again. So lets see what happens, but as I stated previously the CR and playing the long game is the best option. Also, Paul Ryan promised him border funding if he signed this Omnibus bill which you and I well know didn’t happened so there is that. If he signs this bill, then yes I doubt he runs or has a chance for re-election as most of his base will be demoralized. This is much bigger than the omnibus spending bill he signed previously and the reason why he did it was because he got a lot for the military budget. This bill is for the future of the country and I seriously doubt he is going to cave. This is my opinion, as you are entitled to yours and your cynicism!

According to Drudge/CNN Trump mulling another shut down.

We’ll see soon enough. I tend to expect the worst, and even doing that I get disappointed by these dildoes. Trump drove a stake thru the heart of both the Clintons and Bushes, and I give him a lot of credit for that, but if he caves here he’s just another one of the dildoes.

Colorado Senate passes bill favoring popular vote over Electoral College.

If this passes the house and the idiot governor signs it, exactly what incentive is there for me to vote as regardless of who wins the state of colorado electoral votes will go to the popular vote candidate.

At one time the media reported the news. Today they have morphed into telling you what they want you to hear and what you should think about it.

Recently we had a teachers strike. The signs came out, we are striking for the kids.
Not 1 news source said, they are striking for higher pay, they are actually striking against the taxpayers in Colorado as well as the property owners in Denver. Not 1 said with the strike settled a unspecified number of employees of the district will be fired to god the teachers the money they demand.

That’s the disingenuous part of the media. Thy didn’t;t lie, thy omitted the truth behind the story.

They also take an oath to uphold the Constitution. When was the last time Congress actually did that?


I agree, and from recent developments it looks like he is going to cave. This is confounding to say in the least because this bill is shear insanity.

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This monstrosity is indefensible!

The laughable compromise gives the democons everything they wanted and the right nothing.


ATDs effectively allow for illegal aliens to be released into the interior of the U.S. with the promise from federal officials that they will be monitored and tracked to ensure that they arrive for court dates, hearings, and check-ins with ICE agents. THEY NEVER RETURN FOR THE COURT DATE ,

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He hasn’t signed it into law yet, but I am not holding my breath essentially the country will be lost if this Bill is allowed to go through!

This is even worse and could present a problem! I really don’t know how this is getting pushed through so fast!

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