New Border Security Deal is Absolute Garbage!

This isn’t about me. I didn’t run and sell myself as “the best deal maker” I didn’t say “no one can make better deals than me” or “no one knows more about walls than me”

How can he say all of those things and accept this deal? I know how…

No you don’t know! BTW he is not the one negotiating the border wall deal, its congress so on face value your statement is disingenuous so stop being so daft!

Interesting. Direct correlation to cut entitlement spending by 10% for border security.

I want one of the prototype style barriers. Worth playing hardball for.


White House is involves as well. But you are right this is a bipartisan bill that was primarily negotiated between both houses.

Which makes Trumps statement above even more stupid. If congress creates laws… then what type of “deal making” is he doing? He is either a terrible deal maker, a liar, or both.

Congress doesn’t build walls, and neither does Trump. So what does it matter if “no one knows walls better than me”?

Based on your content alone is the reason why having conversations with you is pointless! So why come here? What is it that you want to convince me of? You are just sucking your own dick by stating another dumbass opinion! Please! If you could be any more stupid I would be inclined to slap your mother in the face but the truth is I pity people like you for being so ignorant a product of the public school education no doubt! Just go away and don’t waste my time with your garbage again!


Yeah I totally agree. We should get the best and I would be willing to wait for it if it means playing the long game then so be it!

What’s stupid id people who would support this bill.

How can a person take an oath of office and not support border security?

How can technology stop people from crossing the border, sensor to count the people? Drones to film them crossing??

As an anti anything Trump wants to do and obviously a non supporter of border security/wall, what your brilliant solution? Land mines?

You spew shit all the time, lets hear your brilliant ideas?

He can always reject the bill and demand a CR to fund the government and then declare a national emergency.

Oh Please! Don’t encourage the knucklehead! You will get more of the same predictable babbling bullshit!

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It has nothing but I hate Trump.

One has to ask, if a person goes to congress and takes an oath of office how could they not support border security? How could they not fund enough judges to hear hearings immediately?

how can they leave the asylum laws intact and not address the loop holes in the laws, I broke my fingernail and I’m afraid the government may punish me for it.

I know there are gangs in my town and I’m afraid of being killed. All a free pass and a future court date.

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Time to call it out and all it they are full of it and end the conversation.

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Hey! Your preaching to the choir here! I totally agree with what you are saying! Its not just about the border wall, but fundamental changes to our immigration laws to prevent the kinds of abuses we are seeing now. But there is a much larger looming issue coming our way as well, and that is he still has to deal with the incoming invasion so what is he to do about it in the short term? My guess is he might have to declare a national emergency, at this point I don’t think he has a choice otherwise we are going to be over run in no time!

That is what I am hoping will happen, and the more I think about it then more I think this very is likely to happen! They still need to vote on this bill, but in the meantime he can tell both houses that he will veto it, and so it forces them to do a CR. This would be the best case scenario and we get to address the immediate problem by declaring a national emergency and hang it around the necks of democrats in the PR game!

I often sit and ponder the costs to taxpayers which no one wants to talk about. One estimate for 12 million illegals was 135 billion a year. A study said there were 22 million illegals in the US, imagine the cost. Another estimate was between 30-40 million illegals. Imagine the costs and they piss and moan about 5 billion for a physical barrier to stop the nonstop flow.

The 11-40 million illegals in this country and the new way getting in, asylum costing taxpayers hundreds of billions a year and the media and left totally ignore the impact.

Stagnant wages, higher healthcare costs, educational costs, the cost and impact of a dual language society, etc. Why is it no one cares in this country? Have people got their heads so buried in the sand they just don’t know or is every one totally indoctrinated to the march of the left and media, they only pick fruit and do jobs Americans won’t do?

Here they wok in every facet of construction, in fast food, retail, you name it they are there. I went to the Ace Hardware and stopped an employee, hispanic and he didn’t speak english. One of the other people said they hired him to help people who didn’t speak english.

I think for a lot of the things you are mentioning here makes me wonder if we had an honest media, that actually reported the news instead of propagandizing a political agenda, a lot of the problems we have been dealing with as a country as a whole would be vastly different IMO. I think a lot more people would be far more engaged in the political process than the indifference we are seeing today. Imagine only 30% of the American population actually gets out and votes and the other 70% is either too indifferent to care, inept or don’t believe that their vote actually counts. Also it doesn’t help having a political party aided by the MSM that continuously pushes forth a narrative of identity politics 24/7.

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And you were doing so well. Spewing Trump hating talking points will get you nothing. If that’s all you’ve got, best you find another thread to troll.

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I’m not the one hurling personal insults. Maybe instead of spending so much time insulting people… you should discuss the topic. I didn’t call you stupid or you a liar… I called Trump that. Let’s discuss whether I am right or wrong.

Let’s not. You will find no interest in discussing your hatred of Trump. Move along troll.

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No thank you! You have proven to be intellectually dishonest and I rather spend my time talking to reasonable intelligent people who can put together a cogent argument and stimulates new ideas for discussion. You do neither for me, so just go away, I can’t be bothered with your stupidity on a daily basis here anymore!

The president is going to sign… and it has bipartisan support.

Who is against border security? This bill seems to increase the security over today’s levels

Nothing is going to stop illegal borders crossings… we can only hope to slow it down.

It’s not about what I want… I’ll see what DHS says about it. From my limited view this bill increases border security. Why would anyone be against it? I’m not.