If you really care, if you really want to know what Trump’s top diplomat to Ukraine has been concerned about, read the 16 pages of his opening statement today. The entire text is here.
Don’t respond to the in house clown! It’s obvious what it’s MO is! It has an established pattern here of responding to every other poster until it gets a response! Typical trolling with the obtuse to obvious questions as it’s lame responses!
Did you read the transcript of William Taylor’s opening statement to congress today… I suggest you give it a look.
Yeah ok Monte crusty! We’ll be sure to do that!
Pure bovine fecal matter.
“There was absolutely no quid pro quo between Ukrainian military aid and any investigation into the 2016 election,” he said in a statement, contradicting remarks he made during an earlier press briefing.
“The president never told me to withhold any money until the Ukrainians did anything related to the server. The only reasons we were holding the money was because of concern about lack of support from other nations and concerns over corruption,” he added.
So you take one person’s opinion over some other people involved (including the president of Ukraine) who deny the claim. Besides, in the USA (maybe not from your country) we are innocent until proved guilty.
I think you are correct. A waste of bits & bytes.
You referring to the top diplomat as just a person, and his testimony as opinion, snicker. I’m amused by the desperation to defend this corrupt president. The top Ukrainian diplomat testified that the president tied the security aid to Ukraine’s assurance of investigating his political rival. He also testified that he became concerned that long standing US interests were being compromised by informal back channels (Giuliani’s shadow diplomacy) but CLEARLY, not a one of you are going to read the 16 page opening statement provided by the ambassador.
That process is in progress presently.
What a line of bovine fecal matter.
You have convicted Trump of every imaginable crime without a shed of proof as has the left in congress, the media and your progressive brothers and sisters.
Well that’s clearly wrong as it has been cemented as fact by Trump’s top diplomat to Ukraine who contradicted the president in his testimony yesterday. He also criticized the shadow diplomacy being conducted by Giuliani which he said was undermining long standing US policy interests in Ukraine. Yep, Trump’s feeling his nuts in the crusher and he’s coming unhinged over it, as his Twitter fits are on full display.
Sondland testified on Oct. 17 that, while Trump personally told him that there was no quid pro quo in place for security assistance, he was not certain Trump was telling the truth. Kurt Volker, who worked with Sondland and Taylor as special envoy to Ukraine, told lawmakers on Oct. 3 that he did not see evidence that military assistance was part of a quid pro quo.
You mean like Sonoland, Trump’s business friend that he brought in, the big donor to the Trump campaign who was rewarded with ambassadorship to the EU? What’s he even doing conducting diplomacy in Ukraine with Giuliani?
Yes, myself, Congress and the majority of Americans are going to accept the testimony that Trump’s top diplomat to Ukraine gave yesterday over his.
I’ll remind you that Taylor has a 50 year stellar record in foreign policy, so good that Pompeo and Trump asked him to come out of retirement to work the very difficult issues in Ukraine. He took the job against the wishes of his wife because the previous ambassador to Ukraine had been so mistreated by Trump. But he wanted to serve his country. That’s a patriot and a hero. The rest are but a pimple on his ass, and that includes Trump.
Yep, and he provided a 16 page opening statement that has been made public for you to read, but you won’t, nor will the other red hatters.
In the meantime, Sonoland is going to be brought back and further grilled sense his testimony differs in some areas from Taylor’s. Clearly Sonoland is about protecting the president while Taylor’s testimony is focused on the truth and protecting the United States, our collective interests and the rule of law.
The prosecutors of Watergate say Trump should be impeached…
You know what I think? How? Oh wait, the same way Adam Schiff “knew” what Trump meant when he fabricated a lie wildly different from the phone call transcript. Yet now he is in charge of the impeachment inquiry. Such a proceeding cannot be considered fair by any standard of logic, not opinion.
There is no denying the last two impeachment inquiries were authorized by a House floor vote unlike the current one commenced by decree of a hyper partisan speaker. Approval from a House floor vote gives the minority the ability to subpoena witnesses and evidence something denied by the current caricature of an inquiry. Again these are significant facts.
Resistance Democrats insist on holding closed door hearings refusing to Republican members of the committee to review transcripts without a North Kotean style minder looking over their shoulder. Again, that is a fact illustrating how Democrats have rigged the process.
I note the absence of any attempt on your part to deal with the facts of the situation instead, you offer weak speculation to avoid discussing the issues.
It’s a waste of time! You are feeding a paid troll whose sole purpose is to sow discord among the Trump base and to spread as much fake news as possible! You can do your part by simply ignoring the d-bag bot!
Because you expressed yourself…
William Taylor has been in civil service for 50 years. William Taylor was beckoned from retirement by Trump. We were told at the time what a fantastic man he was and great ambassador he would make. His interests are in what’s best for America, not Trump.
Again no attempt to deal with the abuses of the impeachment process by Resistance Democrats.
More and more you appear to be just a troll with no comprehension of the issue at hand