Mulvaney admits to quid pro quo

This is interesting!

We know that the democrats could not conduct an impeachment inquiry that you would consider legitimate, so that’s a moot point. Otherwise, I think that chocolate is better than vanilla, that’s opinion, and doesn’t need support. :man_shrugging:

Guess where Obama is tonight?
At a fundraiser of Alex Soros, the son of George Soros!

Joe Biden was working in an official capacity advancing broad US interests in Ukraine. Trump was working in an official capacity to advance very narrow personal interests in Ukraine.

“It’s crazy to withhold security aid for help in a political campaign”

William Taylor

Of course recipients of this text immediately insisted that such talk be taken off line…recognizing the liability.

Biden was working in the best interest of himself and his kid. He even admitted he strong armed the Ukrainian government for his own purpose.

Ummmmm…no. That would be a negative.

At the heart of Congress’ probe into the president’s actions is his claim that former Vice President and 2020 Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor in order to thwart an investigation into a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden.

But sources ranging from former Obama administration officials to an anti-corruption advocate in Ukraine say the official, Viktor Shokin, was ousted for the opposite reason Trump and his allies claim.

But if you think that Biden May have committed a crime, doing the same thing Trump did (you’re acknowledging Trump’s crime) then investigate Biden and prosecute accordingly.

But that doesn’t get Trump off the hook for his violations.

Is it no wonder that he choose the conspiracy category for this thread? All with the other asshats he coverts with that can talk out arse and make up anything it wants is par for the course. Just keeping perspective! You are dealing with a cyber parasitic troll!

So a friend of 0bama told you Biden is innocent, and you believe him? Again you obfuscate the truth. Because Biden was corrupt does not mean any negotiations by DJT was corrupt. The crime Biden committed is in the US Code. Trump committed no crime.

If you, or more importantly Trump, sense you have no more authority than to decide what you’re having for lunch, think Biden has committed a crime, then investigate and prosecute accordingly. But the issue at hand, the op, this thread, is about Mulvaney’s admission that Trump engaged in a QPQ with the Ukrainian government. This has even been acknowledged on Fox News.

Now you may protest all you wish, but the inquiry continues and testimony is being taken as we speak.

Fox News is your source for Fair & Balanced news now?

Mulvaney stated clearly to all non-ideologues that there was no QPQ. You and your ilk can continue to state a lie until others believe it, but that does not make it true. Sorry.


It’s not yours anymore, they piss ya off…:man_shrugging::rofl:

It is ONE of my sources, unlike your blended single source of CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, HuffPo, Politico, WashPo, et al.

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Hunter Biden receiving $50k per month for a job he didn’t have qualifications to hold while his father was the point man for US policy in the Ukraine as more than sufficient evidence of wrong doing.

Biden threatened to withhold US loan guarantees unless the prosecutor responsible for investigating his son’s employer was fired, even set a 6 hour deadline. That’s a classic quid pro quo using US taxpayer funds for leverage to protect his son.

Both Trump and the Ukrainian PM publicly announced there was no pressure brought to investigate Biden or his son. Resistance Democrats are so desperate to conjure up a scandal they hold secret hearings with witnesses with no direct knowledge of the conversation then selectively leak excerpts from the proceedings.

monte knows that. That is the reason for the deflection to a non-starter QPQ. Waste of taxpayer money.

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But you just mocked me for quoting Fox News…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Prosecute Biden if you think he’s committed a crime and can.

But this thread is about Trump’s QPQ which was just cemented today in testimony by Trump’s top diplomat to Ukraine.

That’s handled at the ballot box. In the meantime Congress appropriated moneys to Ukraine that Trump held up insisting that the Ukrainian president publicly announce that he would open an investigation into the Biden’s. Trump’s top diplomat just substantiated the QPQ today testifying that Trump made clear that the aid money and “everything” was tied to that.

It is obvious you have no understanding how U.S. foreign aid works. Congress allocates funds to foreign nations in exchange for certain concessions. Do some research on your own instead of parroting socialist talking points.

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