Mulvaney admits to quid pro quo

The prosecutors of Watergate say Trump should be impeached…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You know what I think? How? Oh wait, the same way Adam Schiff “knew” what Trump meant when he fabricated a lie wildly different from the phone call transcript. Yet now he is in charge of the impeachment inquiry. Such a proceeding cannot be considered fair by any standard of logic, not opinion.

There is no denying the last two impeachment inquiries were authorized by a House floor vote unlike the current one commenced by decree of a hyper partisan speaker. Approval from a House floor vote gives the minority the ability to subpoena witnesses and evidence something denied by the current caricature of an inquiry. Again these are significant facts.

Resistance Democrats insist on holding closed door hearings refusing to Republican members of the committee to review transcripts without a North Kotean style minder looking over their shoulder. Again, that is a fact illustrating how Democrats have rigged the process.

I note the absence of any attempt on your part to deal with the facts of the situation instead, you offer weak speculation to avoid discussing the issues.

It’s a waste of time! You are feeding a paid troll whose sole purpose is to sow discord among the Trump base and to spread as much fake news as possible! You can do your part by simply ignoring the d-bag bot!

Because you expressed yourself…:man_shrugging:

William Taylor has been in civil service for 50 years. William Taylor was beckoned from retirement by Trump. We were told at the time what a fantastic man he was and great ambassador he would make. His interests are in what’s best for America, not Trump.

Again no attempt to deal with the abuses of the impeachment process by Resistance Democrats.

More and more you appear to be just a troll with no comprehension of the issue at hand

WTF ? Who was it that claim Trump would be in jail for " collusion " with the Russians ? :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Who was it that said Trump would be in jail for " obstruction " ???
What other stupid bullshit were you saying a few years ago …
Trump misrepresented his net worth.
Possible abuses of the White
House security clearance process.
Trump’s communications with Putin not Obama hot mic BS.
Russian interference in the 2016 election .
Trump inaugural committee
donations and spending .
Whether Trump’s lawyers offered
presidential pardon to Cohen .
Allegations of misused charitable
assets, self-dealing and campaign finance
violations by the Trump Foundation but not the Clinton foundation.
Get better treatment . :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Show me how Democrat’s are violating the constitutional process…

And soon, instead of dealing directly with the issues you’ll descend into personal insults and name calling. If you want to be in the choir, you’ve come to the right place, but if you have the spine to talk to people with differing views, in a civil manner, then understand that not everyone that disagrees with you is a troll. There are opposing views you know.


Me thinks you doth protest much! :rofl:

Monte crying wolf! Classic!

Who has denied that? And show me where the constitution requires it.


Two more responses from you where you refuse to discuss Democrats abuse of the impeachment process. Implying I am spineless while you dodge the issues is classic trolling.

Here is the text from my earlier comment specifying Democrat abuses. Rebut or dispute them if you can but don’t bother with stupid predictions about what I will soon do or feigned ignorance of the Constitution.

You know what I think? How? Oh wait, the same way Adam Schiff “knew” what Trump meant when he fabricated a lie wildly different from the phone call transcript. Yet now he is in charge of the impeachment inquiry. Such a proceeding cannot be considered fair by any standard of logic, not opinion.

There is no denying the last two impeachment inquiries were authorized by a House floor vote unlike the current one commenced by decree of a hyper partisan speaker. Approval from a House floor vote gives the minority the ability to subpoena witnesses and evidence something denied by the current caricature of an inquiry. Again these are significant facts.

Resistance Democrats insist on holding closed door hearings refusing to Republican members of the committee to review transcripts without a North Kotean style minder looking over their shoulder. Again, that is a fact illustrating how Democrats have rigged the process.

Wrong, I directly addressed that asking you to show me how the democrats are violating the constitutional process…:man_shrugging:

Much of that is addressed in Taylor’s testimony. Read the 16 pages of it.

Otherwise, you’re incessant complaining about closed door hearings is moot. Congress has that right. Trey Gowdy (in his various incarnations of investigations into Benghazi) did the same thing in his inquiries, interviewing witnesses in private because he claimed that you get better information that way…

Furthermore, there are republicans setting in on all three committees that are conducting these investigations. So the republicans (and your) bitching about secrecy is unfounded.

No, I already outlined how the Democrats are abusing the impeachment process destroying the Presidency in the process. You don’t get to shift the responsibility for explaining Democrats undermining the Republic by a general invocation of the Constitution.

That’s your big defense? A 15 page preamble to secret testimony about second hand gossip delivered by a disgruntled envoy.

Taylor had nothing to say about the Democrats abuse of the impeachment process just like you. Instead, Taylor complains that the President is the bad Orange man just like you

Yes, the House holds closed door hearings on matters involving intelligence and national security. There is no justification for holding all the Democrats illegitimate impeachment proceedings behind closed doors in a basement.
