Mueller Report Submitted to the AG

Not to mention they misled the FISA court (Sally Yates) and engaged in unprecedented unmasking (Susan Rice) that led to myriad of abuses while Obama was in office! The shit really needs to hit the fan soon!

Just more of many issues that should be investigated and if found to be true, charges filed followed by jail time. It’s called a failure of the system. The plan to derail Trump by Strzok and Page as well as other people who conspired against this government.

The real investigation needs to begin.

And you think Putin is that powerful that he can swing the election in favour for Trump? too funny.

Putin certain didnt like Obama, so what happened in 2012?

Maybe Putin could have loaned Trump the billions needed to build the wall, and to build a pipeline of Russian oil too

Have you forgotten about the Sanctions Trump put on Russia because of Russia’s agressions?

News flash for you , every major country who is powerful attempts to meddle into other countries affairs
China does it, Russia has done it, Isreal has done it, and America has too, have you forgotten that Clinton and Obama meddled into Isreal’s elections

Have you forgotten Eisenhower also meddled and backed a candidate to unseat a democratically elected leader in Iran.

Have you forgotten that Jimmy Carter also meddled into Iran which fueled the Iranian revolution and exacerbated the problems in the Middle east we are seeing today?

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Yes. Or else they will do it again… with lessons learned about how to keep their true seditious intent from becoming public.

Oh please. Like they even pretend to care about that anymore. You have them openly calling for the abolishment of ICE as well trying to unseat a duly elected President while openly defying Federal immigration laws. How much more seditious could one get?

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Do we also “need to know” the extent that Hillary’s unsecured private server compromised national security also?

But Comey gave her a pass on that, didn’t he?

And what we need to know is why FISA warrants were issued for a fishing expedition.

Some idiots do not realize that even country, city have their own section machines, process etc. To hack in and change enough votes is a near impossibility however you can get enough illegals to vote to change the results of an election.

Remember when Libs applauded him? He was gonna take down Trump.
Whoops … He was just arrested.

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Yep, their “Great White Hope” of the moment.

Another spectacular failure.

And the left claims there is no justice. LOL.

“Mueller made a considerable effort: employing 19 lawyers and 40 FBI agents, issuing 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 230 communications orders, 50 orders for pen registers, 13 requests to foreign governments for evincing, and interviewing 500 witnesses — yet ultimately finding no collusion.” Pj Media
Yet the leftest media won’t give it up. Only good thing to come out of the past two years of this witch hunt is they have completely destroyed there own credibility.

And spent in excess of 25 million bucks.

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Don’t worry, the 83 current congressional investigations looking into absolutely every aspect of Trump, his campaign, family and businesses will get it done!

Maybe the Repulicans will be more like Nunes and show some fortitude by supporting Trump and shutting some of that BS down.

Some in the media have begun to walk it back and see the error of their ways. Democrats in Congress are still in denial.

I wonder how much the midterms were affected by this travesty of an investigation. It almost rises to the level of dare I say it “collusion” to steal an election and railroad a duly elected President.


Leaving out “almost”, I agree. Many of them know deep down that it’s not true, but they cannot afford to commit political suicide by bucking the leaders. Whatever Chuckie and Nancy say is the order of the day.

Trumps CIA and FBI needs to start investigations or Beto, Kamala, Warren, Sanders etc. No doubt someone in their campaigns are talking to or meeting with foreigners. They all need to be spied upon.

I really don’t want to see us going there but that is probably what it would take for dem’s to give a shit.