Mueller Report Submitted to the AG

Perhaps you might best scream helplessly at the sky!

I may scream into my pillow! I need to get to bed, but I’ll catch up tomorrow. Have a good night friends.

The reason being is because the Lawyers representing the Russians demanded a trial which of course means discovery material, something to which would never see the light of day! Mueller’s miscalculation was he never thought they would challenge him by demanding a trial! Curious how the delay tactics in that case seemed to never end on Mueller’s part? He is more than happy to end this knowing he over exposed himself on that one!

Yep, Mueller’s team was standing there flatfooted with a deer in the headlights look on their faces.

They got very lucky in having a friendly judge.


Facts do matter! What specific evidence do you have or can you cite that makes your statement true? “We The People” have not seen one shred of evidence that makes this a fact, it is only what MSM, and its pundits have said that this statement has been allowed to be parroted for the last 2 years.

Would you hold the same standards to China as you do Russia in terms of trying to influence our elections? Why are you not decrying about China’s interference within out election process? Funny how we hear very little about that? Hmm?

These thugs have no shame!

Mueller Meltdown, Democrats Media Hysteria - Now what?

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You seem to trouble understanding names and abbreviations…among other things.

Perhaps @KVN can teach him some.

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…then Trump fired Comey, (then Comey leaked information in hopes that a special counsel was appointed), then Mueller was appointed.

Get your shit together, little boy.

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Nothing will ever end the lefts quest as they cannot fat the reality they chose the very worst candidate for President just like they will do again in the next election.

You represent the pathetic left to a T.

Perfect statement of the lefts position as the left has been dehumanizing Trump and everyone that doesn’t support the lefts position for the last 2 years.

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Which is why the Clinton campaign is now due to be investigated. Any objections will be met with an obstruction charge.

But we have had presidential candidates in whom the Russians were willing to invest.

[quote=“donheather, post:85, topic:1693”]
There obviously was collusion with Russia and also, a conspiracy involving Russia/Putin with Trump.

There obviously is zero proof after wasting 40 million bucks yet denial remains a river in Egypt.

Leading Democrats as well as people like yourself have repeatedly lied about President Trump colluding with Russia and now have to answer to the American people.

But instead of manning up you continue the lies and narrative of Russia, Russia, Russia.

And? The guy who helped kick of this counter intel investigation to start with, admits to voting for a Russian agent for President when he was younger. Talk about meddling in our election whee.

Not possible.

Another leftist in denial.

Did people already forget how cozy they were with China while Bill was in office? The Clintons have always been opportunists willing to sell us out to our enemies. The only reason Putin didn’t want Hillary to win in 2016 is because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut about interjecting us in the middle of Syria so we’d go to war with them. This of course was after she had projected and was accusing Russia of having unfair elections to put Putin in charge. Because you know, projection. I’m sure it was only a matter of pure coincidence that she accused them of meddling in our election to help Trump win just a few months later. And like any good brainless sheep, there were many on the left who swallowed that bs hook, line, and sinker without question. Months before the FBI mentioned anything having to do with Trump or his administration. Now, I wonder where they got the whole collusion idea from? Gosh it’s a mystery. :roll_eyes:

And in case anyone also forgot, there was also this gem:

You remember Qadhafi, right? Basically a sanctioned “hit” by Hillary against a foreign dictator who’s last words were and I quote “What did I do to you?” Yeah, we would have been so much better off if she had won. Not.

Perhaps it’s time for the real investigation to begin. The FBI unleashed its powers on a candidate for the office of the U.S. presidency, a first. It did so on the incredible grounds that the campaign had conspired to aid a foreign government. And it used the most aggressive tools in its arsenal surveillance of U.S. citizens, secret subpoenas of phone records and documents, even human informants.

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