Market Traders Chewin' The Fat

I like to think I am ambidextrous With gold I am the former(JBTFD) with everything else I am a trader(not a very good one tho)

Yes but I know you know the difference. :crazy_face:

And if it ever actually does get to 1300 - BUTT :partying_face:

You have short in place now ?

I’m normally both - Millipedes - If it gets to 1300 I’ll lighten up some shorts and add some more longs

:+1: Ahh great you still hanging in with that. I do stack occasionally but largely “all on RED” with the occasional bonus runner.


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HaHa, they say at FF its impossible to do what we do. Couple of my extremely complex charts. I use the 15min and 2hr as primary indicators of direction I want to go.

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Weeks trades thus far.


Interesting. What makes you think that, Mag?

Supply demand- atm demand is in the shitter but one day that will change. Supply has historically averaged 15-1(gold silver ratio) against gold not 85-1(currently inferred by Comex)
All the gold ever mined still exists but silver mostly ends up in landfill.
I’ve also seen reports that estimate there is actually more gold than there is silver in the ground.
Silver is used extensively in new technology and that demand just keeps growing.
Adjusted for inflation silver has never been this cheap.
I don’t understand why it isn’t already $100+ but think it will be in the next year or so.
Thats what I think but I have been saying it for abt 8 years so maybe I’m wrong.

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Silver has a higher conductivity (lower resistance) than copper or gold. Silver cannot match gold resistance to tarnish, and copper is much easier to work than silver in engineering.

It needs to catch a bid in something like electric cars. It had uses in the past for intrinsically safe cutlery but has been superseded by today’s decent steels.

Yeah …well …there was a complete shift in electronics manufacturing to remove lead from products. The solder was replaced by a Tin-Silver variety which has similar but non-identical properties. For one thing silver-solder is more rigid than lead-solder, and the fluxes are less efficacious.

However … the complete abandonment of lead in electronics manufacturing was achieved more than a decade ago. The effect upon the price of silver…?

Zilch as far as I can see.

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Yeah its nuts but one day!!!

Interesting. U more up on metals than me. I do agree in that I think silver is going to have a larger percentage increase than gold. I also understand it is getting easier to mine gold and the technology to recover from seawater is improving.

Final trade for the week. Good week.

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Digest for this afternoon…

edit: If anybody wants the pdf from the article I can post it.
Being heavily into these stocks I am finding it extremely useful.

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The Eagle has landed @Magog

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During the month of February I paid for some more training.

Technically my break even trade closed today, so I have to admit that I finished February at -1%. I learned an interesting lesson concerning lack of resolve, also planning had a bit to do with it (lack-of).

However … today’s winnings of nearly 2% put me ahead again. :sweat_smile: