Man made climate catastrophe

Inconvenient indeed. I’ve heard this fellow before, but most people just glaze over when he speaks because it goes against everything they were told to believe and want to believe. And unfortunately, the politicians on the left do their utmost to bury the truth.

The current interglacial period is dubbed the Holocene, a relatively warm period which lasts about 13,000 years.

About 13,000 years ago, the last glacial period abruptly came to an end, causing glaciers and ice sheets to melt which caused major floods, connecting the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, etc.

The Holocene has a typical (slight) warming every 1,000 years.
2,000 years ago, it was very warm and the Romans in Britain cultivated grapes for wine.
1,000 years ago, Greenland was warm and green and that’s why the Vikings called it “green” and settled there for agriculture. (They lived there for generations, until it got cold and they were forced to go back to Norway)
In the 1990s, it did warm up very slightly and, since 1996, the planet is on a steady cooling trend.

The Holocene is ending. Hello full-blown glacial.
The “global warming hoax” was invented in the 1980s to hide this chilling fact.

Good point, Roxiebell.

Liberals tend to think on an emotional level, jump in without fact finding first. They are like the rabbit in the race.

Conservatives tend to think on a non-emotional level, drag their feet while considering all outcomes, including evaluation of the unintended consequences, before jumping on board. The tortoise in the race.

A recent update on global warming !!

…and a Professor who is very sanguine about climate change

Libs (some of the most scientifically illiterate humans on the planet) will reject the interview.
They will say…

  • he must be a religious nut
  • he’s only one guy. 97% of scientists disagree with him.
  • but it’s so hot in Australia
  • NASA says…

NASA says the bad things that were predicted are not happening.
As spelled out by Prof. William Happer

No wonder. NASA is an expert in AERONAUTICS AND SPACE…not climate.
Smart people. Wrong science.

…but they watch the Earth, and notice things that are quietly ignored such as the bumper ice harvest in Antarctica recently ( = where a few years is recent )

I seem to recall Obama giving NASA the goal of making Muslims feel good about their alleged contributions to science and technology.

What a stupid man!

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OMG…I remember that. It was most bizarre.

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It’s all about the money. GW hoax has taken hold like no other environmental concern like mini ice age, ozone layer, rainforests because of the $$$BIG$$$ bucks evolved.

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… and now a word from someone else who has done the math(s)


The summation says it all “don’t expect any of that to be reported anywhere in the mainstream media … it doesn’t suit the agenda of the left.”


Did you copy and paste that from one of your internet sleuth campaigns?

Proof positive when the polar bear shows up adds weight to these discussions! The irony is magnificent!:rofl:

Dude! I nearly spit out my coffee reading this! Holy crap! I must have overslept because I missed this pretty nugget!

Proof positive of what? Irony regarding what?

You as a polar bear showing up in this thread! Did you forget sense of humour?

I understood that you were attempting humor, but I still don’t understand what proof or irony you are referring to.