Lost in the Fifties- Another Time, Another Place

I grew up in a very stable home. Left for the Navy at 17. Still, I ( shame on me - wink ) took advantage of the sexual revolution. Hey, I was just a man. It’s really difficult to turn down good pussy. Lived in Wildwood for 3 years. Bought condoms by the gross. I will say, Winter was a bit lean; but still good moments.

Horse hockey. Absent moral guidance children revert to being vicious little animals.


Good Question. Some of us know the answer.

There is a book that goes into a little detail on Retroculture suggestions…but just scratches the surface.


It started with the sixties and feminism. We’ve been on a quick train to hell since.

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It actually started with “Post Modernism” and it’s Paradigm shift started with Nietzsche’s philosophy followed by the French Philosophers and the cultural theorists of the Frankfurt institute.

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You can attribute a lot of societal decay to that philosphy but I think he was referring to when women decided as a group that a thousand years of morality was just holding them back from being free sexually and morally.

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But that is all part of it in terms of culture and it evolution. It’s cyclical in nature and jostles between Mass culture and counter culture. Women today is only submitting to the ideas of what mass culture is feeding them. It was no different in the 50’s except the Roles were reversed.

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I’d argue that for centuries it was pretty consistent until the women’s liberation movement came along.

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You’d probably have a different opinion if you’re a gynaecologist. I mean being a dentist is bad enough, looking into mouths all day long? :thinking:

Consistent? Like the role of women in society or Society in general?

If we are talking women and their evolution of roles in western society, then I would argue that the issue of Feminism has been a gradual evolution that is one part of the paradigm shifts we have seen throughout history. Just to give you a perspective of what I am talking about, because I think women and the Feminist movement is only one part of larger narrative as to how we arrived to present day discourse, but understanding the aggregate is more insightful.

Prior to Nietzsche, Western society in the middle of the industrial revolution was slowly changing by replacing religion in societies central thought with science, this of course is when Darwin emerged with his findings to shift this narrative. At least in most central European societies before the turn of the 20th century religion was very much part of the dominant culture through out most of Europe when Nietzsche was putting forth such atheist arguments. From my research every paradigm shift that has happened so far has been consistent with it being within 50 year periods with Mass Dominant culture and counter culture always exchanging roles to oppose each other.

Nietzsche introduced the thought of thinking outside of religion in order to challenge traditional beliefs, and was clear in his thoughts with his devastating critique of Christianity in “God is Dead”. Then came Heidegger with his question of “to be” or “being and Time” which put into the notion the purpose of our being and challenged that knowledge had no basis of origin and that it was subjective. Nietzsche was most productive with his writings during the Victorian Age and died in 1901, when most scholars on the subject of “Post Modernism argue is when Post Modernism actually started. Heidegger followed afterward and died in 1976 but was an influential factor on the social Marxist French Philosophers of the 50’s that were most responsible of introducing such concepts of “Moral Relativism,” Deconstruction,” “Pluralism,” “Late Capitalism,” and among other concepts that propelled certain schools of thought that became pervasive in the 60’s and onward, eventually leading towards today’s societal discourse.

So not to bore you with all this theoretical verbosity, but my point is every paradigm shift has been about 50 years, give or take a few years or so. 1901, with Nietzsche’s passing, western societies were still going through some violent changes and very much still in the industrial revolution, however sociology-conscious thought was very much in flux and constantly changing with each new technological advancement being made.

Leading up to the 50’s the mass dominant culture was overwhelmingly conservative, especially after returning from both World wars to which there was a period of staticism taking place. With the introduction of Elvis Presley, a new paradigm shift was taking place and it was within the youth and addressing their oppression to freely express themselves with open revolt against traditional values of their parents. Then the 60’s arrived that brought us a even more tumultuous violent era of change with a litany of other issues playing out in the discourse of change. The counter culture that was seeking and ushering in this change was the Music idols of Woodstock, Hollywood, liberals, Media etc. Now another 50 years later those roles are now reversed, where Mass media, mass production is the dominant culture and the ones championing and clamoring for a return of conservative values is now the counter culture where we are fast approaching another paradigm shift, where a return to conservatism will be moving towards a dominant role in the next 50 years until another incarnation of some form of liberalism begins to emerge again as the counter culture. The point is, looking at these changes and issues through time, through a wider, broader historical lens to gain perspective of how this is a cyclical phenomena, is vital to gaining a better understanding to the discourse we are currently living in today.

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I’d bet big bucks that the Like was from D_M.

I wonder if you remembered when this happened?

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My grandchildren will never see the America I was privileged to grow up in.


The women’s liberation movement began about the same time so there may be some significant crossover.

Consistent as in the overwhelming majority embracing the same Judeo/Christian morality that bound our society together for a thousand or more years including the traditional roles women played under same.

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What is that supposed to even mean?

Humans are born with the same basic drives and emotional triggers other predatory mammals have and without the enforcement of morality from a young age Children are vicious, murderous little bastards.

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That is true, and I argue with anyone liberal that their freedoms and the societies they lived in were not made possible without Christian values that helped shaped western ones and societal order, including democratic ones born out of Athens. Of course my example was mostly focusing on when it all started to change which was the birth of Post Modernism at the turn of century marked by Nietzsche’s passing in 1901. What I failed to mention is the cycle of the Paradigm shift was suspended briefly due to the two world wars.

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You can actually date the beginnings of the women’s liberation movement back to the mid/late 1700’s concurrent with the overall “awakening”.

Are you talking world wide or in America strictly speaking?

The beginnings seem to have been in Europe, particuarly France as large swaths of people started turning away from the Church’s moral foundations.

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Ahh France! Glad you mentioned that, because there is an argument to be made for modernity and Rousseau’s teachings that led to the French intellectuals of the 50’s that is responsible for destroying Western values and society.

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