Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

You can’t be serious with that statement. If you are, I don’t know what to say to you.

Ireland: Protestant - Catholic conflict. Seems religious in action to me.

Middle East: Muslims - against everyone that isn’t. Seems religious in action to me.

I’m sure there are many more, but that’s just what comes to mind right now.

Im talking about indivual.people.These people use religion as a way to achieve their power and these religious wars have been going on almost forever. Its about an individuals thirst for power and control.

According to wikipedia, Messianic Joos mean different things but I assume you’re talking about the Evangelicals.

They are very confused people, because if you accept Jesus, you CANNOT accept the Jooish god because he is Satan himself. Why? Because today’s Judaism is an extention of the Pharisee sect two thousand years ago. Rabbis today make no bones about it: they will proudly tell you that they are Pharisees (In Hebrew, perushim).

" After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Pharisaic beliefs became the foundational, liturgical, and ritualistic basis for Rabbinic Judaism. "

This is straight from wikipedia which Joos write and edit.

What did Jesus say to the Pharisee elders (rabbis)?
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth” (John 8:44)

So, there cannot be any compromise between Christianity and (Pharisee) Judaism.

Every loss of life is deplorable and I sure hope these dead Israelis are not the sons and grandsons of the people I knew in Israel.

Nonetheless, the Israeli military is Satan’s army. They have killed over 20,000 civilians in Gaza alone. How many innocent civilians does Israeal keep incarcerated in their prisons? Tens of thousands.

Please know that I’m asking you these questions because I’m lacking in much knowledge about the J ewish people… trying to educate myself on a topic I don’t understand.

Were all of the J ews of Jesus’ time Pharisies, or just the ones that were higher ups/rabbi’s in the church?

It was a time of great confusion for the Jooish people in general. And there were several sects, which is normal for any religion.

According to Dr Barbara Thiering (Melbourne Univ), Jesus and his family lived in the community of hellenized (Greek-speaking) Joos in Qumran by the Dead Sea. That explains why the original texts of the New Testament were all in Greek. Jesus and his followers were hellenized Joos who lived in various parts of Palestine as well as in Egypt but they left Palestine for Rome as the political condition there became very instable and dangerous.

Pharisee Joos were influenced by the Babylonian satanism and the teachings of their elders (rabbis) were written down eventually and they became Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud.

Sadducee was another branch, and they are thought to have consisted of well-off, priest class.

It is not clear what their proportions in terms of population were, but they all believed in the end of times and awaited the arrival of their savior (messiah or king). Hellenized Joos thought Jesus was it, while other Joos in Palestine refused to accept him as their new king.

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Palestinians are descendants of ancient Israel and Judah

Epstein Island is an Israeli operation

I was never in the military, so I am not sure.
But it does not seem like strong, battle-hardened army to me.

Looks like things arent looking to good for the HAMASS terrorists in Gaza. Send them all to Iran or Yemem where they will be welcomed.

Send them Zionists to where? Nobody wants them.

Wonder how the Houthis feel.being stung ny Super Hornets and a Typhoon in the same day. Those Super Hornets stings must feel real bad!!!

The Houthis are mobile. Whatever the US struck — military targets or just rocks — the Houthis have been bombed by Saudis for 10 years and are survivors.

The Saudis apparently arent the best at combat or adjusting to the enemy.

And the Brits?


Read history see how tough the Brits are. You may learn somrthing.
Are you going to support Turkey supporting the Houthis against Israel ?

Another reason the State of Israel has to be dismantled and its criminal leaders executed.

Empire strikes back.

Expect a US military action against Iran during the weekend.