Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

All this support for the HAMASS TERRORISTS.What next , all out support IRAN???

That started with Obama… and is continuing with Biden.

Ignore the German part

It continues here also.

Who here supports Iran? I certainly don’t.

I support sending missiles into Tehran to get the message , WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE WONT TAKE IT ANYMORE !!!

I certainly don’t support religious fanatics.

Same for religious fanatics in Israel (and other places) who firmly BELIEVE that only Joos are humans (chosen by God) and other goyim are brainless cattle.

— I must admit, though, many goyim are totally cluless, just like brainless cattle.

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I don’t know what the guy was doing with the card.
How come the Israeli soldiers didn’t dive immediately? Poorly trained?

Ignore the Indonesian narration.

Nothing to see here. It’s God’s chosen people doing the right thing, right?

It’s all about genocide.
Israel wants to kill as many Palestinians as possible.

Take it with a grain of salt.
Current News - u.s. Marines Arrest Victoria Nuland and her Husband (

More grains of salt needed

The fake state of Israel by fake Joos must go ASAP.

Prophet Ezekiel prophecied that Gog and Magog (fake Joos from Khazaria and their flunkeys NATO) will be defeated by long suffering, true Israel (Palestinians who are descended from ancient Judea and Israel).

This Youtuber lives in Israel, so he is most likely Jooish, but his assessment of the Palestine/Israel situation is accurate.

What do the criminal Zionists (or Biblical Gog and Magog) want?

Kill as many Palestinians (or true Israel, descendants of ancient Judea and Israel) as possible and steal their land.


Israel created Hamas.

Israel fought a war against the Brits and the UN recognized Israel. Go to NY and complain to the UN. The Gazans allowed HAMASS to take control

The whole world supported the existence of Israel based on the big lie called holohoax.

Once the people of the world realize that they have been conned by Joos, the support for Israel will diminish.