Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

Yeah, I guess Israeli tankers fire into Israeli occupied homes without a thought.

Well what is your plan to keep Irans hands off Gaza ? Israel dosent want to occupy Gaza either.Is there a better leader than Abbas for the Palastinians? There should be one semi- autonomous Palastinian state with limited Israeli citizenship.

What are you smoking?

He stopped representing Palestinians when he was completely bought by Israel and started acting against Palestinians.

There already is. Actually a whole bunch of them in northern Israel since 1948.

How do plan to keep Irans influence out???

There is none.
Stop watching Joo CNN


The chimney in Auschwitz was built after WWII ended.
“Six million” is a lie.
Fake Israel can no longer justify its existence.

You’ll need to do better than that. :wink:

“Gas chambers” were fake too.
The Polish workers after WWII drilled the holes on the roof (from which the Germans ostensibly threw in Zyklon B into the chamber) but when they hit the steel frame, they gave up.

More proof?
Aerial photos taken from the Allied planes during the war showed no such holes.

Of course this was staged on some movie backlot or soundstage.

Israel is doing its worst to draw the US into WWIII
(Everyone knows Ukraine is finished, so forget about it)

Judaism has not changed a bit from the Pharisee teaching of two thousand years ago.

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth” (John 8:44)

It is necessary to check the IQ of Christian Zionists.

Your hate is who you are. Without it you are an empty myopic shell.

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So true about Joos and their shobbos goys.

Lets stop the Joo nonsense . I hope Israel eliminates every one of these terrorists.

Like the Israelis are not Joos.

They cause serious problems everywhere,

STF with all this RACIST BLATHER!!!

Brother Nathanael was born Jooish and educated in orthodox Judaism. He is a hero.

The Synagogue of Satan is the enemy. What part of it do you still refuse to accept?

Out of curiosity; do you put Messianic J ews in the same catagory?

Religion has nothing to do with peoples actions . Its their personality and desire to get ahead at ALL COSTS that drives them.
Some people would sell their parents or children to be in a powerful position to contol people or a commodity and are insecure inside.You may kmow someone you grew up around or went to school with that are like that.People are their own worst enemy. Now call me FKED UP or whatever because of what I said.