Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

There are/will be no more prophets (IMO) before Jesus comes again. As a mortal man… I coud be wrong.

Not all Biblical prophecies are fulfilled. In fact, one is taking place before our eyes.

I’m talking about Ezekiel 38.
Both wars in Ukraine and Israel are wars of Gog and Magog. Gog and Magog are evil and moneyed Khazarian Zionists while NATO and US are their tools.

It is my interpretation that orthodox Russia and Palestinians (true descendants of ancient Israelites) are God’s people. You’re free to disagree with me.

51% of American youth think “Israel” should “be ended”: survey | Al Mayadeen English

He was a member of the GLOBALIST ELITE and FKED up the Palastine - Israel problem and not a hero at all, but only in their minds.
Go Israel and EXTERMINATE the MAMASS and Palastine Islamic Jihad Terroristts.and.dont forget Hezbollah!!!

I honestly don’t know enough about it to disagree with you. I do know that not all biblical prophecies are fullfilled…yet. I also have no reason to believe that they won’t be fulfilled.

How do they accomplish that without killing the innocent along with those you mentioned?

Israel has mistakenly killed some innocent people. They recently admitted to killing a few they mistakenly thought were terrorists.
Unfortunately in urban warfare, innocent lives are lost especially when the enemy digs tunnels under hospitals , schools and residential buildings using them as shields and blame Israel when the innocents are killed.
Look back to WW2 and see how many innocent lives were lost in the bombings of London and Germany especially Hamburg Germany is one of the worst.

I understand that… but that’s okay as long as Israeli innocents aren’t killed by Palestine… right?

No. They killed many because it is their agenda.

Henry Makow on X: “Dec 16 - Does Israel Face Defeat? Scott Ritter says Israel is in a lot of trouble because their army isn’t that good (Scott Ritter)” / X (

Zionists (whether before 1948 or after) have been killing Christians by the hundreds of thousands.

YOURE AN IDIOT for saying that. Israel has far more concern for human life than the Palstinian terrorists will ever have.

Iguess its ok for HAMASS to invade Israel to do their version of " ETHNIC CLEANSING " of innocent Israelis with their TERRORIST EINSATZGRUPPEN !!!

No, it isn’t okay… and spare me the innocent Israelies bull****. We all know there is enough wrong doing to go around on both sides.

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Again, the majority of Israelis killed on 10-7 were by indiscriminate Israeli fire.
Israeli tanks fired on the houses where they knew there were Israelis.

Last week, three Israeli hostages were gunned down by Israeli troops, which goes to show they fire on anyone in Gaza. Women or children, Israelis don’t care.

We seem to be reaching a point at which even pro-Israel stalwarts like Jennifer Rubin are starting to recognize the need for a different approach.

The U.S.-Israel relationship goes beyond one prime minister.

The distinction between U.S. support for Israel’s survival and Biden’s differences with the Netanyahu government — over everything from governance of Gaza after the war to its attack on the judiciary to settler violence in the West Bank — often eludes Biden’s left-wing critics.

The difference between support for Israel’s survival and having differences with its various governments’ choice to press occupation, land grabs and unlawful settlement policies within the Occupied Territories, and other policies that either delay or prevent a peace process – to the point of having a long-serving PM like Netanyahu implement anti-peace policies that put the nation in danger, even as he disregarded warnings that his policies would lead to more violence – tends to be lost on people like Rubin.

Those left-wing critics of Biden?

However, Biden plainly has reiterated to the international community, his domestic audience and the Israeli public (which holds him in high regard) that his support for Israel is unbreakable but his tolerance for certain tactics and policies is running low.

The actual issue seems to be that they have a significantly lower level of willingness to support “certain tactics and policies” (i.e., needless destruction and brutality, indiscriminate bombing, and the like) than the Biden Administration. As nobody else is willing to step up to the plate, perhaps Rubin could devote a column or two to explaining how Israel’s continuing approach is ethically or tactically wise, or has any chance of leading to a better outcome (as opposed to in all likelihood producing something worse than an already unacceptable, at least to most other than Netanyahu and his supporters, status quo ante.)

In another departure from Netanyahu, the Biden team consistently has ruled out Israel’s permanent reoccupation of Gaza. It forcefully supports a Marshall Plan-type reconstruction effort in Gaza, the need to reform the Palestinian Authority and Palestinian self-determination (which must end in two states for two peoples). These are not Netanyahu’s aims, but he is unlikely to survive postwar scrutiny.

They’re certainly not Netanyahu’s aims, but I’m unclear as to whether they’re Rubin’s. It seems reasonable to say that the present war and tactics are making such a post-war plan more difficult and costly, and no nations are going to want to line up to pour $billions into a multi-year reconstruction effort if this can happen again. So the only way forward is to simultaneously establish a binding process to establish two states, the biggest impediment to which (as has been the case since the first one was constructed) being Israel’s West Bank settlements.

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Your comment reminds me of an account from a Palestinian Christian, asked by a Western visitor, “When did your family convert?” His response, “On the day of Pentecost.”

There is a Jooish joke that goes like this:

Goldberg converts to Protestantism in predominantly Catholic Poland.

A Jooish friend asks him: Why be a Protestant around here? Catholics all around.

Goldberg responds: So that I can say, “I was a Protestant” when people ask me, “What was your former confession?”

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If the Palestinians who lived in the Palestinian mandate for generations and remain in the region share DNA with members of the J e w i s h diaspora, that seems to document that they lived together in that territory, that they share common ancestors, not that one preceded the other.

ROTFLMAO, keep making up excuses for the terrorists.

Historically, Joos in north Africa like Morocco were the results of conversion.
Even the New Testament mentions that the Pharisees were eager to convert non-Joos to the satanic Pharisee faith.

The most massive conversion to Pharisee Judaism took place in the Khazar Empire in the 9th century. From the king (Kagan) to slaves, they converted en masse.

Joos, Samaritans and Christians in Palestine (all of whom were descended from ancient Israel), on the other hand, were force-converted to Islam after the 7th century.

Joos who followed Christ migrated to Rome, while they corresponded with those who remained in Palestine.
Paul, Apostle of Christ, Chronological Order of the Letters, Who Was Paul?, The Letter to the Romans - Bible Gateway

Why did they leave Palestine? There were a series of violent Jooish revolts against Rome and the situation became extremely dangerous, as the Jooish Christians were considered traitors for Rome.

Max Igan.
Somewhat long intro by a Bible scholar as to the definition of the word “Joo.”
I didn’t realize BitChute was this slow.