Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in Palestine shortly

I guess Dachau and Auswitz are buildings on a movie set.The Holacaust is PRO JOO propoganda.

Dachau and Auschwitz existed, but not as something presented by the Joo media. There was no such thing as gas chambers.

The inmates in the camps within Germany (Dachau is outside Munich) were from all over Europe, POWs which included Americans and Soviets, and German criminals, gays, communits, socialists and army deserters, etc.

Total number of deaths that occurred (mostly due to diseases) in Nazi camps: about 270,000

I guess HAMASS are the TRUE LIBERATORS in this war. No comment on HAMASS seizing the food for themselves and EXTORTING money from the Palastinians to buy the food.

HAMASS sucks. All terrorist groups suck. The “war” between Israel and Palestine is thousands of years old. We are not going to solve/fix anything in our lifetimes. When Jesus comes again and makes Jerusalem the golden city for a thousand years (God’s chosen city)… only then will this conflict be resolved.

Did Jesus think Jerusalem is such a great place?
I don’t think so. (Jesus probably thought it was a hidenout of the Pharisees).

But it’s a theological debate.

I don’t know what Jesus thought/thinks of Jerusalem. I know that in Revelation Jesus comes back to establish Jerusalem as the city of gold and will rule for a thousand years.

I sure hope so

Israel’s days are numbered? I certainly hope so.

Was Israel involved in the Moscow massacre?
Max Igan said there are Israeli fingerprints all over.

The terrorist state called Israel has to go.
The Israelis know their days are numbered, so they kill as many as they can before Israel disappears. (Samson Option)

Uninformed and uneducated people, corrupt governments including the USA when controlled by antisemitic Democrats and MSM and let’s not forget the totally corrupt and useless United Nations!

I understand it was written centuries after Jesus’ time. And also it is partially a rehash of ancient Greek prophecies.

Luke, one of the four evangelists, never met Jesus. This does not diminish the value of the Gospel of Luke.

Joos don’t give a damn about international laws. They never did.

The days of the criminal state of Israel are numbered, thank God.

But Joos still massacre innocent Palestinians in large numbers as we speak now, and idiots in the west cheer on.

The Jooish State bosses the Joo-S-A around.

Take it with a grain of salt

I have no idea what is being implied here but I found it to be amusing!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Heck, Palestinians aren’t that brown.
I met Palestinians who had blue eyes, as well as blond ones.

Yes, the same crowd is bringing Africans to Europe to bring it down.