🎖 Kari Lake is a Force Like No Other 🎖

“Look at San Francisco, Chicago, New York, and Portland. Their policies have been tried and they’ve failed. That’s why on Nov. 8th it’s gonna be America’s greatest comeback once we win Arizona!”


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The dirty of the Democratic tricks!

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She has bigger balls than 90% of the men in the party. I hope she wins decisively.

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She is standing up for what is right and not putting their self interests before the people. Unlike McConnell and company and what they are trying to do to Sarah Palin.


I can’t believe there are still people who think there are fair elections in the US.


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Staged attacks to gain “sympathy votes.”
Huh? Sympathy for whom?


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Some were saying that this was a setup to upstage Elon Musk’s big news. Wait until Trump returns on Twitter on Monday! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Lake endorses Tudor Dixon running against Gretchen Whitmer in MI.

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Katie Hobbs on CNN gets flustered about being asked about not debating Kari Lake

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Great response!

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A Kari Lake moment! great stuff!


They are still trying to block the real outcome.


I know! Its disgraceful!


Kari talking about the current situation with the slow roll of counting the ballots, and the Democratic strategy on early voting and media narrative.

Kari Lake on Crowder explaining what is at the heart of the issue with the remaining votes yet to be counted. So in essence, the last few drops were overwhelmingly in favor for Kari and when they realized the numbers were not in Hobbs Favor, that is when they decided to slow the vote counting down to delay it. For what? Probably to find a way to cheat. The bottom line is, mathematically or statistically speaking there is no way that Kari loses, especially if these were registered voters with early mail in who dropped these off to insure their votes counted instead of trusting the postal service.

Yes, Keri Lake is terrific. Local (leftist) news this AM says, “Republicans are blaming Trump for promoting weak candidates.”. Oh, like Keri Lake? or Lauren Bobert etc.

Dr.Oz was too weak to speak out, but I suspect something else was up. He was too low key at the rally for him–what pressures were at work? Brain surgeon loses to someone who needs brain surgery? Doubtful. Trump took a chance with him.

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