Joe Biden’s Sexual Assault Allegation by Tara Reade - Thread

I disagree. Only because they want to use him as a proxy via through his running mate. Who he chooses is going to be key in determining the bigger motive on the Democrats part. This rape allegation is being stymied by MSM.

Its essentially Trump vs. VP now

Yep! My Guess is HomoCuomo! There is a reason why he is getting so much air time.

No. Not female enough.

I would think strategically it would be best to lay off Biden because elections are 6 months away. You know Biden, without his adrenochrome, will show how dementia is taking over and the dems might still be backing him till it’s to late to switch horses like putting in governor Nipplepierce Homo.

Homo is the contingency plan. Depends on Biden falling apart.

That is what I am thinking too. With Biden, the DNC can just shoe horn in basically anyone at this point as his “replacement”, VP or not, and bypass the hassle of “voting”. I wouldnt be surprised of he was “sick” one day, “with flu-like symptoms”.

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Gosh, I hope you are wrong! Lol (But I seriously hope he doesn’t get it. Homo is worse than Biden. The only difference between the two…Homo doesn’t have any scandals hanging over his head.)

So what you are saying is he will be chosen at the Democratic convention if Biden doesn’t reach the finish line and not be the VP choice?

MSM gives him the bullhorn everyday with daily covid NY briefing as if he is of some significance. Why is this phychopath being promoted?


If this is even true…imagine his brother “Fredo” will have a field day when Andrew is chosen. As if he was “the Chosen One”. :roll_eyes:

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Every day is a new debacle for the Democrats.

It was great fun watching all those leftist women turn on a dime and excuse Joe Biden after the way they trashed Trump and Kavanaugh.

Even this imitation attorney got into the act, attempting to defend the indefensible.


Kinda ironic that Biden actually grabbed somebody by the pussy.

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Arlinsky’s dirty tactic of projection. “I believe in Reade but Im voting Biden anyway”.

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Creepy Joe. Too creepy for Facebook standards.



So, I heard that Tara Reade will be on with Megyan Kelly. This will be interesting to see. It’s all about “credibility” , right?

Look at the bottom far left pic! That guy is not happy! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: