Joe Biden’s Sexual Assault Allegation by Tara Reade - Thread

I’m about 50/50 on this one.

If Biden was the kind of guy that was forcibly fingerbanging his female employees, there’d be more than one coming out with similar allegations.

But if she’s making this up, then she made it up in 1993 and told a bunch of people the same story. Atypical for a rape hoax.

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@supperhey With the #MeToo back in the news again (since the Kavanaugh fiscal), I wouldn’t be surprised this gets “dragged through the mud” once again. Just about all the Democrat women (during the Kavanaugh Hearing) - Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar (just to name a few), are ready to derail Tara Reade, just as they stood up for Christine Blasey Ford.

A typical piece of work by these women. It never ceases to amaze me, to see how these politicians “assume”. But yet, they will find behind Biden and support him, anyways.

Again, I think it’s important to stress the due process. If she has evident then great, goes down Uncle Joe. If shes doing it for press, then she should be called out for what she is, an attention-seeking *******.

All of that will play out in due course. What’s apparent is the lack of coverage and constant back-pedaling of the media, self-righteous #MeThree feminists, and leftists that were up in arms when allegations against Trump and Kavanaugh were made before.

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If Tara Reade were to have filed a sexual harassment complaint against Senator Biden, as she alleges, then there’d be a record of this complaint in the National Archives. If such complaint is not found, then Tara Reade would be lacking credibility regarding her accusation of being finger banged by the Senator Joe Biden.

They’re pulling the rug on old Joe the Road Dog. Old rusty Joe. Poor bastard is getting nippled by Andrew Cuomo.

They could have just went to the guy and said “buddy, you’re too damn old, you’re making no sense when you speak words on the TV, we’re replacing you with a harsh-faced BDSM Italian who’s famous for blasting viruses with a whip in his dungeon of pleasure and pain.”

But no.

They hit him with a dumb sex hoax that says he fingered a dirty slut thirty years ago and she didn’t enjoy the experience.

Now they’ve got the slippery cocksucker Lindsey Graham out there supporting him to make him look even worse.

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I wouldn’t vote for Biden, even if he raped Hillary.

This whole thing is funny to watch. The Dems are circling the wagons around a lame horse. The Republicans would be wise to just let Biden sleepwalk to a sure loss.

Now the MeToo BS is on a ventilator, too.


Am I misremembering something?

I distinctly remember the Left saying that Ford did not have to prove her accusations “beyond a reasonable doubt”, because it was a political decision, not a legal case.

But now Reade needs to have indisputable, courtroom level proof to be even considered truthful. Never mind that she has 100 times the credibility of Ford’s claim.


It’s almost as if the left has neither principles or an interest in truth.


They have been subsisting on propaganda so long, they don’t even remember what they said yesterday. Their stooges in the press will pretend that their spiel for today is all that matters.

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Unpopular opinion: Any person, man or woman, who holds onto an allegation and waits until it is a politically inconvenient time for the aggressor does not deserve to have their allegation heard.

Welcome back! You make a very good point, and I agree that this accusation, surfacing now, raises some interesting questions.

One good thing that it does is expose the liberal media for the totally dishonest stooges they are for the DNC.

One bad thing it does is undermine their chosen candidate for president, and it makes me wonder if it’s somehow an attempt by elements in the Democrat party who want a candidate who’s not so pathetic as Biden. This is their MO, used mainly against their opponents. However, they’ve also shown that they’ll resort to any of the few tools left in their toolbox. They have nothing left in there except lame gutter tactics, why wouldn’t they turn it on themselves when it’s convenient?

I’m 95% sure that Biden is so bad, he’s just going to be a punching bag for Trump. I’ll bet that there are plenty of Democrats who think that, too.


Joe can deny any of his “alleged” allegations all he wants. Are the American people really want this guy to be the next POTUS? I am sure, they are rethinking their choices.

It is evident.


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Someone is getting nervous.

From the daily caller source:

Reade worked as a Senate staffer for Biden in 1993 and has accused the then-senator of kissing her, touching her and penetrating her with his fingers without her consent.

After the alleged assault, Reade told the DCNF, she complained about sexual harassment to three Biden staffers: Marianne Baker, Biden’s executive assistant, and Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman, who were both top Biden aides at the time.

But Kaufman, Baker and Toner would not take action when Reade complained to them about sexual harassment, Reade said, so she filed a written complaint with an office she called the “Senate Personnel Office.”

She was told that someone would call her in for a full discussion and meeting — but “that never happened,” she told the DCNF. She said she does not have the complaint form.

Reade attempted to track the complaint down in 2019. She said she was told that “it would have gone back to Joe Biden’s office, to the chief of staff.” She is unsure who told her this, but believes it might have been OWCR.

If this complaint were located, she said, it would show that Biden’s staff members lied on the record when they said they did not have meetings with her, noting that she had more than five meetings total — informal and formal — with these staff members.

With this scandal brewing, it’s no wonder why the Democrats really don’t want Biden to run for POTUS. Of course, they will continue to stand by him, nonetheless. How typical of them.