Joe Biden’s Sexual Assault Allegation by Tara Reade - Thread

That’s not evidence of sexual assault. Her mother said NO SUCH THING…:man_shrugging:

Something like 16 women have accused Trump of sexual assault and y’all have dismissed every one of them. Why are you so trusting of Tara???

Right, she said there was an incident in the work place. That’s NOT a claim of sexual assault. But again, why would you guys even care given what you’ve forgiven Trump for…:thinking:




This story seems like it is on the verge of imploding.

This entire phoney story is falling apart. Another shoe drops and Tara Reade becomes utterly discredited, it could end up inoculating Biden against these kinds of charges.

Like the George W. Bush National Guard story. There was actually a real story there, but after the fake letter ended Dan Rather’s career, nobody dared touch it.

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Not really. There is more than just Tara Reade.

Joe Biden doesn’t seem to have any boundaries or understand when his actions make someone uncomfortable. Can you imagine if the CEO of a company or a manager went around sniffing his employees hair or kissing them?

Is it okay to behave that way only if you are a political elite but if you are just a citizen to be sued for it?

Right! But then Joe the racist Biden says this

You lefties are probably the most racist of all !

@Kent Again, nobody cares. Trump has been accused Of sexual assault by SIXTEEN women and we even have tapes of him describing EXACTLY HOW he would sexually assault women and his deranged supporters still voted for him, yet want to make hay out of a wholly unsubstantiated claim of the same against Biden. So clearly they’re just playing politics…