He didn’t win the election, no matter how much you’d like to believe he did. You are right that he will be the next POTUS… but that is because you did a great job of plaqnning and cheating. I can sleep just fine at night. Maybe you can too… but that just speaks volumes of the person you are.
Lol, you’re accusing me of planning and cheating the election. I wonder who you think I am…
Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20th as the 46th president of the United States
I think you are a typical Lefty.
I’m atypical and apropos to nothing but myself…
If you really believe that Joe Biden was–quite dispassionately, and in a calm, analytical manner–declining to respond simply because he did not wish to disrupt “a pending investigation” (that, in fact, sounds almost noble), then I think I may have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you…
I appreciate that, but I really haven’t any use for a bridge presently. I don’t know about dispassionate and calm, and I definitely wouldn’t consider it anything noble. Rather a prudent call considering the circumstances, not unlike trumps four years of continual refusal to discuss his income taxes given his alleged ongoing investigation/audit.
And precisely what “circumstances” would you wish to consider?
Note: If these “circumstances” involve some sort of “ongoing investigation” privilege, I will simply have to laugh…
Well you may as well laugh…
There’s no privilege, just pragmatism…
Oh, I see: It is merely “pragmatism” that prompted Joe Biden to (quite rudely) duck the press.
Got it…
Again, after four years of supporting Trump, you’re not going to claim to be offended by rudeness…
I knew early on that Trump was going to lower the bar on civility and damage America well beyond his term…
As to the matter of Joe “ducking the press”, I’m sure he’s not going to discuss the investigation into his son. And I don’t envy him having to pick an AG with that circumstance.
Or a symptom of someone suffering from an acute brain fungus!
How kind of you him give it the benefit of doubt.
And how do you know the degree to which I supported Donald Trump?
I did like most of his policy decisions; and I preferred him to the Democratic alternative in both 2016 and 2020.
But I have never liked his rudeness–not even a little bit.
So you may, indeed, criticize him for his incivility; but you really should not criticize me for (supposedly) supporting it, as I did not.
And the question as regarding Joe Biden’s son was reasonable enough. If he simply did not wish to answer it, he could have said, “I have no intention of answering that. Next question.”
But he did not.
Instead, he simply acted the part of the coward, by running away.
Yes, I would strongly imagine that Joe Biden will be sworn in on January 20, 2021; he did, after all, win the Electoral College vote recently.
In fact, I am about 99 percent sure of this.
But this certainly sounds a great deal like pure triumphalism on your part.
And do you really think that triumphalism is a worthwhile (even precious) value?
Well, I can only assess that based upon my conversations with you here over the course of time. And I haven’t seen anything from you other than support of him…
Trump won by a lot …
That’s not what I said or even my point. This is similar to our conversation about the hypocritical evangelical. You supported trump despite his incivility. So…as you were willing to overlook Trump’s, I have no regard for your criticism of an alleged rude comment by Biden.
And you would have had criticism of Biden no matter how he handled it if it was anything short of answering all the presses questions…
I think that neither myself nor any others that continue to point out the fact that Biden will be sworn in on January 20th if not for the daily barrage of lies on this board that Biden didn’t win, that trump won and by a lot, and that Joe Biden is where he’s at now due to a massive conspiracy by the Democratic Party to defraud the American people and steal this election. This is the first time I recall you acknowledging that Joe Biden won the election. Therefore I don’t feel the need to point out the inevitability of Biden’s inauguration in any further discussions with you.
Hey do you think fraud votes should be counted?