I don’t know about that. Seems many Trumpers are pouting these days over Fox News accepting the election results. Now they’re flocking to OANN and Newsmax…
No, it was rescued. We fired Trump. I guess you didn’t get the memo…
Guess you ignore the reality that the election is likely a shrm, why aren’t you demanding the claims be investigated???
Moron, this isn’t a democracy, you should have taken a government class in high school!
It’s been long understood that that was the goal of the Trumper. And you guys talk about treason and traitors…
It would seem the people subverting the democratic process is the left as they refuse to demand the truth via investigating the possibility of fraud.
Shame on you Monte for suggesting that people supporting the president are damaging the country when the reality it is YOU and your corrupt democrat party tha will end this country as we once knew it.
It’s not, it’s fake news.
The more I see Trumpers relishing in the destruction of America, talking about civil war, stocking up on guns and ammo, the more obvious it becomes who the enemies of the United States of America really are and Trump, that bastard, brought em all out of the woodwork…
The bastard Trump brought all the hate filled leftist azzwipes out of the wood work. One could say that Obama brought them out of the woodwork and Trump inflamed their hate. You seem to reflect this truth.
What do you see in this country?
You see the left who is supported by the cesspool cities with 5 star restaurants that are largely closed demanding to tell the rest of the country how they will live, what thy will believe, and destroy the basis of this country which is the constitution,
Like you they have zero respect for authority.
The rest of the country wants nothing to do with the cesspool cities,
You push people far enough and they react. Will the village idiot with dementia and his handlers b the straw that broke the camels back?
One can only hope so.
Yep, like I said, it’s the Trumpers that want to break the camels back…
It’s amazing that people would be so loathsome of their own country.
The other half of the country is loathsome of YOU and your leftist companions and the not so democrat party.
A shame you cannot see the harm and damage your leftist party have done to this once great nation, to the point that half wants no part of your hate filled agenda.
Hilarious how so many claim this and yet Trump was utterly incapable of proving this in a single law suit the dumb ass filed… and now he’s pissed that the GOP won’t help him steal the election and he’s punishing them…
And dumb asses like yourself cannot seem to get it through their thick heads the Federal Government has no power over elections, it belongs to the states. A course in Government would do you wonders as well as some help with a good therapist to help you with your deep seated hate.
Well, I certainly wouldn’t disagree with you on much of that…
What was disproved? Lol stop eating tide pods lol
Exactly what does the TV show, Fox and Friends, have to do with the matter at hand?
Moreover, I wonder if you have the capacity to discuss the matter in an analytical and dispassionate manner–which is to say, without bringing into the discussion the demons of the leftists (such as, say, Fox News), and tearing into them.
In fact, some people might even see your (questionable) approach as mere deflection…
It was completely fair commentary concerning the fact, until very recently when fox News pissed him off, Trump would call in to his buddies in the morning fairly regularly so accessible is he to conservative media…
Anyway, you can criticize Biden all you wish for not cooperating on the matter of the investigation into Hunter Biden. But it’s a given that he wouldn’t be open to discussion of a pending investigation…
You fool …
There’s press on Trump’s side too, and they are promoting his conspiracies. In fact, there are those that would like for American civil liberties to be suspended, and civil government to be replaced by military rule. Thankfully these voices are the few, and are largely from disgraced individuals. But nevertheless, they have much lay support…
LOL! You have turned America over to the commie/socialists. No… I don’t really think Biden is a Commie, but that doesn’t matter. Biden will not finish his term. He will be succeeded by Harris or worse, before four years are up. Actually, he just might stay in office the full four years while being led/fed everything from within the Dem. party. You Lefties are so damn gullible.
Yep, that’s what you guys are saying now. Just like you said Biden wouldn’t win the election, and when he did, the states would never certify it, and when they did, the electoral college would go rogue and not affirm, and when they did, the Supreme Court would intervene, and when they didn’t, you claim congress will obstruct on January 6th…and Biden won’t be inaugurated…