Jeffrey Epstein Finally Arrested For Sex Trafficking of Minors

No, but you are the one claiming to know that she is her own person.

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We’ll see how this all plays out. I suspect if there are CD Roms full of underage girls’ pics, there are likely also some very powerful people in some pics- should make for riveting drama.
Epstein will try to make any deal he can, because if he’s convicted he’ll never see the outside of a prison again.
This leads to other problems with his testimony- you can bet your house that Comey’s daughter has enormous (yuuuuge) animus toward Trump, and will do absolutely anything to be the prog with Trump’s head on her mantle. She should be subbed out for another DA.

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No doubt her being a prosecutor in this case poses some problems and possible conflict of interest here. The bigger problem is that this case is in the jurisdiction of SDNY and Comey is in the same mold as Weismann.

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This is even better!

Has anyone else noticed how quickly my mates (the ‘‘usual suspects’’)popped into this thread spouting the same old vitriolic ad hominem attacks.
They are all here - CallmeIshmael, TWR, MaxW, Sammantha, Dr Manshe, Ass-aratis
What do you think the reason is for that?
Must admit it never occured to me before, but do you think Mossad might really be behind this?


The same people who made Trump President are involved (behind the scenes) in the case against pedophiles and satanists.
Trump will be safe.

Ahhh… ya found us out! :rage:
(How do you say “dagnabbit” in hebrew?)

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More clown clones vying for attention! I Guess daddy never spent enough time with them!

Don’t be a narcissist prick. My only two replies in this thread have been directed to MoleUK and have absolutely nothing to do with you.

The first comes at post #93, the second at post #116. That’s hardly a quick “pop in” and doesn’t have anything at all to do you you.

You’re overly proud of yourself and your assumed relevance regarding the lives of others.

I am not your mate.

You are a delusional prick.




Proof That the Clintons Are Tied to Epstein, Cartels but the Fix Is In -No Justice for the Victims

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Thats bc you don’t realise the pleasure I get from your insightful posts.
Trust me you are one of my bestest friends.

the Jeffrey Epstein story reveals how agents from a foreign government can hijack and control the US government.

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Here we go with your bullshit conspiracy theories again! Again attempting to derail another thread!

Asaratis is right! You really are a narcissistic asshole!

The mere fact that ALL my Hasbara friends are here proves the validity of the theory and that it is definitely NOT BS.

No you are just BS! Look to your own link asshat! This is how stupid you really are, as you don’t even read your own garbage as you just post shit for the sake of posting shit hoping people will feed your narcissistic hunger! What a dickhead you are!


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Hey…Dr Mann…
Let’s go down to the Hasbara cafeteria.
Kosher tacos today!

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Everyone is their own person. Are your children responsible for your actions, or vise versa? That Comey has a daughter that is a prosecutor means nothing…

You’re not. You are parroting the liberal line right down the middle.

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Wrong, it’s not even a political issue. It’s ridiculous to judge Comey’s daughter based upon what you don’t like about him. :man_shrugging: