Israel's deliberate attack on USS Liberty

Israel withdrew when a Russian ship showed up.


Ahhh… another Einstein!

Naaa… your story fails. The Soviet ship arrived 10 hours after the attack.

So why did Israel stop the attack? Remember, your story was they wanted the ship sunk and everyone dead so they could blame the Arabs. There was plenty of time. Israel didnt stop when the Liberty made the call to the 6th fleet. No ships- neither Russian nor US - showed up for many hours after the attack.

Come on Einstein, why did Israel halt the attack?

Answer: “israel”, meaning someone in a position to give orders to Israeli combat forces realized the attack was a mistake or was caused by poor communication. As has already been pointed out, some of the pilots recognized a mistake already. Had there been a nefarious false flag plan to intentionally sink a noncombatant US ship that was no threat, the aircrews would have been specially selected and briefed on the mission.

Israel did not win a 6 day war completely surrounded by enemies by erring on the side of safety for neutrals. Even now, our own RoE in the US permit weapons release against a perceived hostile vessel even when neutrals are in the vicinity and possibly misidentified as a combatant. It all depends on what is at stake. (Hint to any Iranians here: Don’t fuck with our ships on alert in the Persian gulf)

The USS Liberty incident was over 50 years ago. If ■■■ haters cant find more recent events to make up shit about, it indicates how desperate they are.

Hundreds of testimonies and NSA declass communications. Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of JSOC, testifying it was an intentional false flag attack.

The USS Liberty SOS signals were scrambled by the Israelis and their antennas were destroyed. The ship was shot over 800 times with massive anti-armor shells.

After the main assault, helicopters flew in and shot survivors with machine guns and dropped napalm on the deck to burn them alive. Yeah so fuck Israel.

yawnnnnn you suck at shilling tho


So why did the attack stop? Tell me again.

Why it started or stopped is not relevant. The fact is it happened and was intentional. Just as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff suggested…it was a false flag.

Why are you so anti-American?

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Oh… so you you cant answer that question either.

Why did the attack stop if the intent was to sink the ship and kill all the sailors?

I didn’t make the claim so I don’t know and I really don’t care. I don’t even see how it’s relevant. We know that the Israelis were intentionally attacking and killing Americans. Why do you hate our armed forces and our veterans? Why are you defending a foreign country that attacked and killed American servicemen?

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The British killed our soldiers in the revolutionary war. Should I hate the British too?

I’m sure I served longer than you.

Why are you a Nazi?
Why do you idolize a man like Hitler who injected bull semen into himself?

Why did Israel call off the attack on the USS Liberty?

Were we at war with Israel when they attacked our ship and killed Americans?

I thought they were the greatest ally? Explain.

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Were we at war with UK when we shot down their Tornado in 2003 and killed its crew?

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I don’t count the service of anyone with dual loyalty.

I’m not. I’m supporting an Asian Democrat after getting screwed over by President Donald J Trump, for whom I voted. Why is it that you leftists always point and scream Nazi whenever you get your feels hurt?

I don’t know what you mean. That bull semen thing though sounds interesting. You sound like an experienced handler of the substance. Source please.

Dunno. Why did they start attacking a marked US ship and killing Americans for a prolonged period of time from air and sea in the first place? Why do you defend the killing of your own (alleged) countrymen?

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Dunno - why don’t you start a thread about that so we can discuss? That’s not what this thread is about.

This thread is about a prolonged attack on the USS Liberty by Israel.

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Is there a reason this event is now important to you and the OP 52 years after the fact?

They apologized for the action and paid out over 13 million in reparations to the families, a huge amount of money at that time.

What else do you want, blood?

Any person with an IQ above 80 will seek to compare and contrast with other cases of present day allies killing each other in the past. That is what thinking people do. To try to stop that by saying such analysis is off topic is obviously an attempt to deflect away from a rational discussion.

So again… if Israel had wanted to sink the ship and kill the sailors, why did Israel call off the attack?

So now we just are to accept apologies and cash when a foreign country uses American sailors for target practice?

I’m pretty sure the amount they paid out was $6 million.

Always remember the 6 million.

And you just continue making shit up as you go along. At least you remain consistent.

There hasn’t been a friendly fire incident in our history as thoroughly investigated and reviewed and over sixty years later there’s still no conclusive evidence to show it was anything other than a tragic accident that we were largely responsible for to begin with.

We failed to move the ship out of the combat zone as urged and then we failed to follow our own deconflicton agreement by letting the Israel’s know we’d done so and by giving them it’s position.

I wasn’t the one changing the subject pal.

And I’m pretty sure you’re just trolling now.