Israel uses American weapon to hit hospital (again) and kills 500

More Israels lies there is nothing the joos won’t do to exterminate the Palestinians !!!

You shouldn’t be posting anything by that cunt Taylor Swift! She is a soulless blasphemous antichrist demon!

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Why post anyting at all what BRAINLESS CELEBRITIES say to encourage posts here in rebuttal.

I heard “she” was born a male. For me, it’s believable.

It only proves that the parents, usually from the satanic elite class, are psychopaths.

Psycholpaths like Netanyahu rule the world. It must be stopped.

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The very source of satanism is here.
(2) Henry Makow on X: “Nov 17 - Satanists Plot Our Annihilation Please watch this viral video from Laura Aboli. No one says it better. (below- Whites are beginning to wake up.)” / X (

Israel’s claims are… a bunch of Joo talk

Israel is lying through their teeth.
Israel is moving weapons around the hospital for propaganda purposes.

Zelensky may be killed within this year.

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Without a doubt !! The Israelis are conning and take what they want !
The committee came to the conclusion that, to deter future violent incidents against Israel, they needed to assassinate those who had supported or carried out the Munich massacre, and in dramatic fashion.
Critical in the planning was the idea of [plausible deniability](Plausible deniability - Wikipedia), that it should be impossible to prove a direct connection between the assassinations and Israel.[6] In addition, the operations were more generally intended to terrorise Palestinian militants. According to David Kimche, former deputy head of Mossad, "The aim was not so much revenge but mainly to make them [the Palestinian terrorists] frightened.

Israeli war crimes are the violations of international criminal law, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, which the Israel Defense Forces, the military branch of the state of Israel, has been accused of committing since the founding of Israel in 1948. These have included murder, intentional targeting of civilians, killing of prisoners of war and surrendered combatants, indiscriminate attacks, collective punishment, starvation of civilians, the use of human shields, torture, pillage, forced transfer, breach of medical neutrality, targeting of journalists, unlawful attacks against civilian objects and protected objects, wanton destruction, and incitement to genocide.

Israel ratified the Geneva Conventions on July 6, 1951,[1] and on January 2, 2015, the State of Palestine acceded to the Rome Statute, granting the International Criminal Court (ICC) jurisdiction over war crimes committed in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).[2] Human rights experts argue that actions taken by the IDF during armed conflicts in the OPT fall under the rubric of war crimes.[3] Special rapporteurs from the United Nations, organizations including Human Rights Watch, Médecins Sans Frontières, Amnesty International, and human rights experts have accused Israel of war crimes.[4][5][6][7][8]

Since 2006, the Human Rights Council has mandated several fact finding missions into violations of international law, including war crimes, in the OPT, and in May of 2021 established a permanent, ongoing inquiry.[9][10] Since 2021, the ICC has had an active investigation into Israeli war crimes committed in the OPT.[11][12] Israel has refused to cooperate with the investigations.[13][14]

Israel as a whole has zero credibility. They commit human atrocities and are never held accountable !!!

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What bugs me most is the fact that Israel is detaining over 10,000 Plestinians for many years, many of whom were teenagers or younger when they were taken away / kidnapped from their parents, sometimes in front of their eyes.

Scott Ritterr says some young girls are also taken away by armed Israeli soldiers, and then raped while being filmed. After they get released, they are afraid to speak because they know Israel will release the film / video if they do so.

Typical control by fear. Traditional Jooish tactic.

This is the reason Hamas took Israeli hostages on 10-7; to get some of these prisoners released in exchnage, but it’s never mentioned by the Jooish-controlled western media.

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Palestinians lost faith in Fatah because they know the organization was bought by Zionists long time ago.

Israel has the right to genocide…

Freudian slip by the Swedish Prime Minister
Pathetic shabbos goy

How can anyone believe these are the CHOSEN ONES ?

Certainly not God’s chosen people.

This is what Jesus said to the Pharisees:
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning
(John 8:44)

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(2) Henry Makow on X: “Gaza - What would Jesus do?” / X (

Israel releases Palestinian WOMEN and CHILDREN in exchange. Are you paying attention?

Define “terrorism” for me.

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In exchange for what? I’m sorry, I just don’t understand your hatred. I know the J ews aren’t innocent of crimes. I know they aren’t ‘perfect’ as the ‘chosen’. Palestine is right there with them. This world sucks. God will make it right. ALL of us are the chosen… we just have to accept it and ask for salvation.

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In exchange for the Israelis Hamas captured on 10-7.

God will never make it right, unless we act.

‘WE’ have nothing to do with what God will/wants to do. He is the ultimate decision maker.

Ruminate on what you just said.