Israel uses American weapon to hit hospital (again) and kills 500

Fair enough. Point taken.

If you’re looking for a definition of terrorism there are easily accessible legal documents that are respected by international courts of law and pretty much every major nation

Politics is dirty. Nonetheless, some nations and leaders are more terrorist than others.

You asked someone to define terrorism for you you didn’t appear to be asking a rhetorical question so I answered it for you by explaining how you can find the correct legal/international definition of terrorism

By the legal definition of state cannot be terrorists but you are right politics is dirty and some Nations and political movements are dirty and less moral than others

In the current climate Israel is the hammer and Palestine is the nail however if the rolls were reverse that does not mean that the Palestinians/Hamas would behave more moral than the current Israeli government Palestinians voted Hamas as their political representation in 2006 Hamas has existed since 1987 and one of their main goals is to destroy All of Israel and have no ■■■■ living in modern day Palestine/Israel just because one is currently the hammer and the others the nail that does not mean one is more morally Justified than the other in fact if you look at Hamas goals and aims from a Israeli point of view you can argue they have the moral high ground

Because they had no choice. Fatah was bought by Israel and did not promote the Palestinian interests strongly enough.

Hamas today is not what it was then, a terrorist organization paid for by Israel and Qatar to be a controlled opposition to Fatah.

Paid for by Israel and Qatar is a strange way of spelling America :grin: I genuinely sympathize for American taxpayers in Hamas founding they declared that they want to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth from the river to the sea how exactly Israel supposed to negotiate with them?

Not defending Israel or their actions or their existence you have to simplifies with them how are they going to come to a peaceful resolution with Hamas?

Is there a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in the Middle East? Or will the most powerful army/most dominant country end up with control

Ultimately in war the biggest casualties are always the civilians and the biggest gainers are always the arms dealers and politicians I’m not a pacifist but no one wins in war on a civilian level

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Many people suggest a two-state solution; Israel and Palestine (or whatever name they want to assume).

But I suggest a one-state solution: A new country where Palestinians have equal rights. Simple.

Millions of Ashkenazi Joos will leave to Europe, North and South America. Good riddance.

A new state will probably have a 50-50 population ratio between Sephardim (Joos from Arab countries, Iran, Turkey, etc) and Arabs. The new state should be secular, No religious fanatism allowed.

But we’ve established in 2006 the Palestinian community voted in Hamas as the representation we established that since 1987 Hamas have wanted all Israeli has gone from Israel and the complete destruction of the ■■■■■■ state how do you believe they could live in 50/50 with equal rights it’s completely unfeasible situation it would lead to mass violence and that doesn’t even take into account the demographics of the situation the Palestinian population is much younger than the Israeli population so that 50/50 would eventually turn into a 75/25 which would most definitely lead to the complete slaughter of the israelis

This is a child’s way of thinking Wishful Thinking with no concept of reality or the future social leanings religious beliefs or demographics

Ukraine was like that.
About 50% Russian-speakers (who sympathized with Russia and felt Russian) and about 50% who didn’t want to have anything to do with Russia — until 2013 when CIA and Mossad started messing with this peaceful coexistence.

Joos as minorities lived in Arab countires for thousands of years peacefully, until the western banksters founded Israel in 1948.

To be honest I don’t know how to copy and paste and stick articles over here but yet again what you’re saying is not based in reality when Islamic wahabiism became one of the main religious doctrines of Islam ■■■■■■ and Christian numbers plummeted in Islamic held areas and things like Iran becoming a Sharia state happened bro pick up a history book seriously read up on the stuff you’re talking about actually looking into it I mean you can point to regions of the Philippines or Malaysia Pakistan the Middle East in general Islamic communities living in Russia

And even if those Communities did live side by side or be in very small numbers that had to live as dhimmitude how does that relate to modern day Israel when the Palestine community have elected their representation to want to wipe israeli’s out of Israel and Israel no longer exist as a state are you even following the conversation?

Christians and Muslims can’t even decide by side in modern day northern Nigeria look what happened to the Christian Communities of Egypt

It was created by crypto-Jooish rulers of Saudi Arabia in order to alienate it from the rest of the Islamic world. Wahabism never was a main Islamic school.

In Russia, Christianity and Islam have co-existed peacefully for 500 years.

I don’t know if you’re deliberately disingenuous or believe conspiracy theories and nonsense is actual history if I ever need someone to discuss the concept of time travel genies and mermaidsI will be sure to let you know
