Israel uses American weapon to hit hospital (again) and kills 500

Scott Ritter on Redacted
Israel is the worst mass murderer

Elderly J ewish

Man Killed by Pro-Hamas Thug in Los Angeles

An elderly J ewish man was killed in Los Angeles after he was struck in the head by a pro-Hamas goon.

The victim was hit in the head with a megaphone and fell to the ground in the Westlake Village area.

“The murderer beat (the victim) over the head with a megaphone as his wife watched in horror,” one eyewitness said. “He suffered from a brain hemorrhage as a result and succumbed to his injuries this evening.”

“Our hearts are with the family of the victim,” the J ewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles said. “While we wait for more information from our law enforcement partners, we remind you that this is the fourth major antisemitic crime committed in Los Angeles this year alone.”

The Pro-Hamas Rally in DC Yesterday Turned Into a Little Insurrection

Will it ever be classified as one? No. But the pro-terrorist rally that occurred in Washington DC yesterday devolved into an insurrection-like event, which, given the standard set by the liberal media and that of the Democratic Party, was a gross act of armed rebellion against the United States government.

It’s disturbing that we have this much pro-Jihadi trash living in America. Tens of thousands flooded Washington to call for a ceasefire and other initiatives that would benefit Hamas (via The Guardian):

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters marched through downtown Washington DC on Saturday in what organizers hoped was the largest US demonstration of its kind since Israel began its bombardment of Gaza after Hamas attacked the country last month.

The crowd waved Palestinian flags, carried posters and chanted slogans during the National March on Washington: Free Palestine, which took place alongside similar events across the US and elsewhere in the world.

Organizers representing or endorsed by dozens of pro-Palestinian groups directed marchers to Freedom Plaza in the nation’s capital before looping past the White House.

“Now is the time to stand with the besieged people of Palestine! Gaza is being bombed by the hour. Its people are denied food, water and electricity by Israel. Tens of thousands more people are likely to die. We must ACT!” the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (Answer) coalition said on its website.

These protests are also not against Zionism or the Israeli government. It’s about wanting to kill J ews. The Zionism deflection is the most predictable pivot, a straw man argument that gets shredded within seconds because when pressed—these people get exposed as vicious antisemites.

Hordes of pro-Hamas activists stormed the White House, yelling at Secret Service agents for tearing down the terrorist propaganda that had been plastered all over the gates. The president of the United States lives here, folks. Stop being stupid; you can’t plaster signs and other nonsense that obscures the view of the security fences, among other things.

If we’re going to play by the same rules, this was akin to January 6, but it’s against Israel, so these pro-radical Islamic insurrectionists get a pass, right? Will the FBI arrest them? Will years-long jail sentences be handed down? You know the answer to those questions.

That’s what the blacks have been doing to whites.
Where’s the outcry?

I hope the victim was an ardent Israel supporter.

There is death penalty in civilized countries. Only in America and some in western Europe, murderers get away with a slap on the wrist.

Anyone who supports Israel is guilty of war crimes.

Zionism thrives on the “Christian Zionists” whom Netanyahu called “scum” and “useful idiots.”

Truman, who first recognized Israel in 1948 followed by Stalin, rejected the notion of a “Jooish” state.

The new state, whatever name it wanted to assume, was to be a secular country accomodating to Joos, Muslims and Chrisitians.

Certainly not a corrupt, exclusive country run by orthodox Joos, which Israel today is.

n 2005, Palestinian Arabs were given autonomy over the Gaza Strip for the first time in their history. To make it happen, the Israeli government forcibly removed thousands of Israelis from the area. Without military protection, J ews would be murdered by Palestinians, who prefer their land Judenfrei.

As J ews were being evicted from their homes, some began to dismantle the farms and hothouses they’d built, reluctant to hand over years of hard work. In the name of peace, however, American J ewish donors purchased the 3,000 remaining greenhouses that stood over 1,000 acres for $14 million and gave it to the Palestinian Authority, gratis. A large portion of the donations were earmarked for “crucial equipment like computerized irrigation systems” and other modern farming systems for Palestinians.

As soon as the J ews were gone, mobs of Palestinians showed up and broke windows, stole irrigation hoses, water pumps, and everything else they could get their hands on, destroying everything they could, as “police” stood by and watched. This happened before Hamas came to power. Before any blockades.

By 2007, the unity government between the PLO and Hamas had fallen apart after the latter won a landslide election in 2006 and began defenestrating its political opponents. It was a warning. There has not been a real election in the West Bank since. And it’s a good thing because Islamists would surely grab power there as they had in Gaza. Joe Biden likes to say that Hamas doesn’t speak for Palestinians, but the ugly truth is that Hamas is a far better ambassador of the Palestinian people than the “moderate” Fatah party, which we prop up with billions of dollars.

Joos, your hatred runs deep.

How about the rag heads??? Idiots trash million of material left for them.

It is genocide. No other way to describe it. And it is commited with the American weapons.

You got everything backwards. Thieves were told to go away. Of course the Palestinians are angry at them for what these thieves did to them and their families.

When you hear the American media talk about the hostages held by Hamas (created by Israel), never forget the thousands of Palestinians languishing and being mistreated in Israeli prisons for years and many already dead. Many of them were arrested on mere “suspicion” of terrorism and have no hope of release.

No punishment for stealing?

Why don’t you go preach to these thieves and murderers that stealing and killing (of the rightful owners) is a crime?

This man quits his job because he doesn’t want to give murderers more weapons.

At the same time, there are self-conceited preachers who want more murders to be committed thousands of miles away from home, thinking they are safe.

Physically, maybe, but morally?

May the karma be with you.

Israel arrested thousands of young Arabs, including children, and they are in Israeli prisons for years.

Israel also arrests young Arab women, rapes them and films the scene. Then Israel releases them, telling them to keep quiet or else.

Another despicable Israeli tactic to rule by blackmail.

This Satanic State of Israel must disappear from the face of the earth. Until then, there will be no peace on earth and humanity’s struggle against Satan continues.


Youn don’t think at least a percentage of it is warrented?

I don’t hate anyone/country. But… you have to look at/see what is right there for you to see… as painfull as it may be.

Yes, Hamas killed a few on 10-7, and I do not condone any act of terrorism. But the Israeli troops shot more of their own citizens, blowing up their homes with their tanks.

Hamas took hostages on that day, the idea being that they could be used to release thousands of Palestinians jailed unjustly inside Israel. (Israel is one of the major exporters of human organs, like kidneys and livers. Makes you wonder where they come from.)

After 10-7, Israel is killing Palestinian women and children and injured (in the hospitals) by the thousands.

80% of Israeli victims on 10-7 were killed by the Israeli military.

They always think the (Joo-controlled) media will cover their ass

So does that make Israelis terrorist too ? They killed more women and children !!!

How does 2.2 MILLION EVACUATE in 24 hours ? Just because Israel claims rockets are being lauched from hospitals and schools doesn’t make it true . When you own the media truth is the last thing that happens .
United Nations (UN) spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the organisation “considers it impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences”.It is 25 miles long - almost the length of a marathon - and has a total population of 2.2 million people.
Israel on Monday ordered a total siege of Gaza, cutting off the water, food and electricity for its 2.2 million residents, which is a classified as a war crime under the Geneva Convention.
“Evacuate where?” Afaf exclaimed. “There is nowhere to hide from the bombs!”
Does this represent the HOLY CHOSEN ONES ? :grimacing: :grimacing:
“When Netanyahu said leave, he knows exactly what he’s talking about,” she said. “He knows that the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip can’t leave.”

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ROTFLMAO. Good one. Hamas uses hospitals, schools hiding behind civilians which the civilians allow, oh the poor people who put Hamas in charge.

It would be best for all to eject Hamas from Gaza permanently and make it a neutral zone.

They are probably just claiming that rockets are fired from Syria and the Golan Heights.

Hamas does not control Syria or the Golan Heights.
Hezbollah was as surprised as Israelis as the Israelis on 10-7.

No proof.
Israeli claims are as reliable as a two-bob watch, as you say.

Right. Killing thousands of children will certainly accomplish that.

Says WHO ? I guess now the joos will admit bombing the hospitals and justifying it with bullshit . We know the 99% jooish media will go along with anything that allows joos the murder civilians THE 200 for every 1 joo . After all they are THE CHOSEN ONES !! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Since 2015, the General Assembly has adopted 140 resolutions criticizing Israel, mainly over its treatment of the Palestinians, its relationships with neighboring countries and other alleged wrongdoings. Over the same period, it has passed 68 resolutions against all other countries, UN Watch said.

Israel most condemned by UN in 2020 – three times other nations

The UNGA adopted 17 resolutions against Israel this year, compared with six for the rest of the world.
While pro-Israeli activists criticise the UN for routinely adopting decisions against the country, one of the resolutions involves Israel for exploiting the natural resources of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Syrians in the occupied Golan Heights.

That resolution in November stated it is “deeply concerned that Israel has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan, which has been under occupation since 1967” and stresses “the illegality of the Israeli settlement construction and other activities in the occupied Syrian Golan since 1967”.
Last month, the UN’s Middle East envoy, Nickolay Mladenov, said he is “very concerned” by Israel’s decision to advance construction in an illegal Jewish settlement in occupied East Jerusalem that would make establishing a contiguous Palestinian state even harder, reiterating that “settlement construction is illegal under international law”.

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Zionists are Gog and Magog, thieves and murderers from the north (Ukraine, Poland, lithuania, etc)

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Israel won the Golan Heights and should keep it to remind ASSAD Damascus is within easy artillery range.
I guess the videos of weapons in the hospital MRI room and the tunnels underneath was a staged Hollywood type propoganda video.

I once hiked the Golan Heights with a bunch of Israeli school kids. Mountain paths, valleys, creeks, trees, etc. We even swam in a small lake. Water was clean and a bit cold but it was summer. Very beautiful area, reminiscent of the Rockies in the US. I don’t remember exactly how we got there because we were transported in the back of a big truck, the most common mode of transportation in Israel.

Forget about Damascus. It’s too far.

We can’t trust any news coming from Israel now. The underground bunker below al-Shifa was built by Israel some years ago when Israel controlled he building, so the Israeli military knows the underground bunkers are there.

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