Israel uses American weapon to hit hospital (again) and kills 500

All of Gaza it is highly populated.

Evacuate to where?
No matter where they go, terrorist state Israel will drop bombs on them.

That is because the Palastinians are always attacking Israel every chance they have.

Let’s put aside all wishful thinking and listen to specialists.

Other than that, it must be said that Israel is the core evil.
Israel did JFK.
Israel did 911.
Israel did Fukushima.
And many other horrendous crimes and that’s what Israel was created for by the biggest and most satanist bankster dynasty.

There have already been American casualties in Gaza. The media in the US are saying nothing about it.

According to Col MacGregor there are 30,000 or 40,000 Hamas fighters in Gaza alone. How are Israel / US going to fight them without killing several times higher numbers of civilians and without incurring the anger of Muslims throughout the world, including Europe and US itself?

Israel is comitting a crime.
Israel is facing a defeat.
So says Scott Ritter.


Israel will win despite all the Anti Israel propoganda put out by the SQUAD and Iran friendly press. You dont mess with Israel and dont expect to pay a price.
Iran has its puppets doing its dirty work because they will get a BIG ASS WHIPPING if they try to go one on one with Israel.

You kinda make me smile, because whatever you claim, the opposite comes true.

Scott Ritter says Hizbolla in Lebanon doesn’t want to get involved. But Hamas screwed it all up.

Neither does Iran; Iran has gotten its political goals achieved: Join the BRICS, peace deal with its long-time enemy Saudi Arabic. The economic prospect was looking good.

The last thing Iran wants is getting dragged into the mess of a major conflict.

If so, then why fo they continue to support their proxies???

It’s a mystery.
They have to stick to their agenda.

The agenda is to create Greater Israel, meaning conquer from the Mediterranean Sea to the Tigris-Eurphrates River, even though they know 100% that it will fail, bringing the Arab territory there under the six pointed star which is a satanic symbol.

That’s what the Deep State in America / Israel is all about.

Americans are in danger.
The American military is taking casualties but it’s not reported in the media.
The Delta Force is in Gaza.

It would be in the ME Arab countries to eliminate HAMAS, PALASTINIAN ISLAMIC JIHAD and HEZBOLLAH and have some type of diplomatic relationship with Israel. All.countries would benefit.

Israel kills children. Surprised?

It didn’t start yesterday. Israel has been doing that for a long time.
Nonetheless, blatant attacks on hospitals is something new.

Israel is not the one that hides behind civilians tunneling under hospitals and storing ammo etc under hospitals and buildings. You all act like the Palastinians are some LIBERATING FREEDOM LOVING ARMY !!!
How much money etc was skimmed off the top by Palastinian leaders in Gaza that didnt ho where it should have. You all think they are completely innocent .
No confusing the issue and talking about Israeli corruption , this is all about the Palastinians in Gaza .SWALLOW THE ANTI JOOISHNESS and talk about the Palastinians. They sure have a MODEL GOVERMMENT in Gaza , one sure to be copied by other countries Im sure.

Israel tried to sink USS Liberty and kill all Americans aboard. Let that sink in.

Lives of non-Joos don’t matter.
America has been fighting and bleeding for the tribe since the beginning of the 20th century.


Why don’t they matter? After all the bullshit blm shit, I’m shocked you would say something like that. Did I take you out of context?

Israel denied the bombing of a Christian hospital and claimed it was a Hamas rocket which went astray — despite the fact that Hamas was incapable of making such powerful bombs — and came up with all sorts of excuses with photos in the parking lot, etc. etc.

Now Israel struck a convoy of ambulances and admits the crime.

When Israel attacked an American ship (USS Liberty), the plan was to blame it on Egypt after sinking the ship and killing all Americans aboard.
(A retired Israeli air force pilot testified years later that the order he received was to sink the ship, even though he had radioed that the ship was American)

911 was another Israeli false flag, to fool the gullible Americans and lead to them to die in Iraq.

Israel has ZERO credibility.

Everything Israel does is a war crime.