Israel uses American weapon to hit hospital (again) and kills 500

There is no mass transit in Israel, except buses whose drivers drive like nuts. Hospitals and universities… Yeah, they got bombed in Gaza.

Excellent. Quiet agricultural land, without pollution and highways where Israelis drive like madmen.

I think Sepharadi Joos (eastern Joos from Arab countries, Iran, etc. and their offspring) should be allowed to stay in Palestine, if they so choose. But Ashkenazi (European Joos) should definitely leave Palestine for good.

Along with all those billions US taxpayers GAVE to the joos , give the same amount to the Palestinians and what do you know same if not 10 times better !!!

And the 18,000 women and children would be ALIVE !!
When I hear PRIVLEGED I know it’s the chosen ones , how could it not be ? They truly believe the need to murder 200 for every joos murdered . They steal others land and then claim to be the victim.
They get civil rights protection they are mostly WHITE they conrtol all the cash . They operate in the NY diamond district on cash deals no interference by IRS dopes yet kids selling lemonaid are harassed.
The group Open Doors USA figures that 360 million Christians last year lived in countries where persecution was “significant.” Roughly 5,600 Christians were murdered, more than 6,000 were detained or imprisoned, and another 4,000-plus were kidnapped. In addition, more than 5,000 churches and other religious facilities were destroyed. Where are their civil rights ??? The joosish controlled media will have you believe it’s the joos that are the ones that need EXTRA PROTECTION . What a fucking joke , and they wonder why they are hated .

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YEAH, give that money to the Palastinian leaders to skim off the top for themselves and FUK those at the bottom so they can continue the USELESS attempt to defeat Israel which will never happen.
Under Hamas in Gaza , the average Palastinian lives in a UTOPIAN SOCIETY. Giving Hamas money is as bad or worse than giving it to IRAN. I hope without outside interference Israel will ELIMINATE as many of HAMAS and Palastinian Jihad as possible.Israel wants to show what happens when a TERRORIST group kills its people.

Those bus drivers were probably taught how to drive in NYC or NEW JERSEY.
ISRAEL will protect themselves without help as long as its one on one. What does IRAN, HEZBOLLAH , HAMASS and PALASTINIAN ISLAMIC JIHAD know about one on one fighting!!!

It’s not in the history textbooks but researchers say six million Christian children were kidnapped and ritually murdered by you know who in Europe during 2,000 years. Often the families of the murdered children were bribed to be quiet, but average people knew.

Such records were kept in monasteries, which served as libraries of ancient documents, and that’s why every time a puppet regime is created, these monasteries were attacked and ransacked to erase such ancient records.

At the same time, paid shabbos-goy scholars write history books claiming medieval Christians, especially peasants, were so dumb that they believed in superstitions and urban legends that you know who murder children.

The current Israeli “offensive” against Gaza civilians appears to be more like massive ritual murder to me.

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Israel wants a SECURE BORDER with Gaza and if Mam Ass and Palastinian Islamic Jihad want to invade Israel , they will pay the price many times more which they dont get the message.
This is all about the establishment of Israel leaving them.on the outside looking in and their military attempts against Israel will.never succed and they wont consider a NEW approach to reach an agreement but continue to WASTE lives in this mistake while IRAN uses them in their QUEST to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.


Israel has no right to do this.
Netaniyahu quotes the Old Testament insinuating that God’s chose people have the right to exterminate non-Joos.

Today’s Israelis have nothing to do with the Israelites of the Bible.
(Don’t tell them that because the joke is on them.)

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What Scott Ritter calls political Zionism is a Rothschild agenda.
Israel has lost the right to exist.
Israel is the enemy of humanity.

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Keep what’s left of their land stolen by the joos !!!

In the meantime, more attacks on hospitals and children in Gaza.

Not mentioned in the news.

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Nowhere did imply that I read the NYT. I heard from a reliable news source that the NYT had made That admission.

Simple logic is beyond your capabilities.

Hamas doesn’t need to build rockets. They buy them. Theye have been firing thousands of small rockets into Israel for years. They have much larger warheads available and will use them before this war is over.

In that case America is also stolen land, but claiming it so will not bring back the dead or change things in the future. Both sides will continue until mutual assured annihilation has been achieved.

Anybody who has spent some time in America knows that the inner cities (even in medium sized cities) in America are war zones. Karma?

I’m torn and cannot come to any conclusion as to the Hopi / Navajo land dispute. The vast land Hopis used to own is taken by the Navajos, and yet the Hopis (seem to have) found the balance and are surviving, despite the fact that they are poor seen from the average living standard of the whole country.

Good. The sooner Israel goes, the better place the world will be.

If the US keeps supporting criminal Israel, ALL Americans will be considered (by the average Joe in the world) as accomplices in the mass murder in the refugee camp as well.

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Qassam rockets are too inaccurate to be used against specific military targets in or near civilian areas, and are mainly launched for the purpose of “harming civilians”.

Hamas are terrorists.

Hamas certainly has no respect for human life as proven by their attack on civilians.

Israeli bombs are accurate.
Israel accurately aimed at population centers, killing hundreds and hundreds of civilians — purposely.

Whether or not there was actually a Hamas commander is anybody’s guess. Probably a lie.

And who is it that is hiding in the populated areas???

Who is it that launches rockets from schools, hospitals in highly populated areas, your friends from Hamas.

Who is it that established tunnels for supplies and military purposes in populated areas???

Israel warns northern Gaza residents to leave, tells U.N. 1.1 million residents should evacuate within 24 hours